The New World

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Ok, this is my second story to ever be posted on here. Just to warn you as readers, I use cuss words, but I don't write out the whole word, and I do write some sexual things, so if you cannot handle anything dealing with sex, or a foul mouth, than I'm sorry to say that my stories aren't for you.







Chapter one

Skylie’s POV

Drake pointed his muzzle to the sky, and took a deep breath. His tail flicked as he read the scents around him. Wolves were supposed to hate my kind, but Drake had never shown me any amount of hate. The one, lonely vampire, cast out of her world, into theirs. But that’s what happens when you unknowingly fall for a wolf. My worst enemy became my life saver.

“Can you smell that?” he asked, catching my attention. I sniffed the air.

“Humans? Out here?” His look was that of fear. Humans never were out in the woods with night quickly approaching… which meant something was chasing them.

“Listen, I know you don’t want to kill your own kind, but-”

“Save your breath,” I said, crouching down, “I will kill them to keep those humans safe. I made a blood oath.” Dashing as fast as I could, I followed the scent trail until coming upon a clearing. One group of humans were huddled around what looked like a weak attempt at a fire. Drake paused next to me.

“I will go to them,” he whispered.

“I’ll look around.” Swinging around him, I walked through the tree line around the clearing, sniffing the air every minute. Why are these humans out here? What is going on? The scent of vampires filled my nose. No. I crept up to the tree line, looking into the clearing. The humans were now speaking with a human Drake. A pair of shorts hung loose around his waist.

“Now tell me again, what’s chasing you?”

“Three men… well, we think they’re men,” the tallest man answered. I strode from the trees. The men cringed away from me. Drake held his hand up to me, and I slowed my pace.

“She’s with me,” he said.

The men didn’t relax.

“Vampires,” I said, completely in informative mode. “The scents surrounding these humans is vampire, but I cannot pin point how many. From the way their scents blend together, they have been traveling together for a long while.” Drake nodded, taking in all the information.

“Who are you?” the tallest man asked.

“I am Skylie.”

“What are you?” the slightly plump man asked.

“I am a vampire, but don’t worry, I am not thirsty.” All three looked at Drake.

I wanted to growl. Humans always trusted werewolves right off the bat. They protected human life, whereas my kind took human life.

“It’s okay,” Drake said in a soothing voice. I wanted to balk. The man who had yet to speak was gazing off into the tree line behind me. Out of no where he gasped, flew to his feet, and hid behind Drake.

My body tensed and I spun around. Six vampires pushed from the foliage and headed towards us. My hands twitched as I saw their smirks. Someone needed to show them their place-

“Ah, you protect them?” A vampire asked. “Why not take their blood?”

Their eyes were locked onto me, and I knew they spoke to me.

“Because I have no need for blood right now.”

“Your point?” another asked. “Makes it taste even better.” My tongue tasted like hot metal as my anger rose sharply.

“Just leave,” I ordered.

The vamp who had spoken first looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“Your name, vampires, sounds familiar. Tell me why.” A growl sounded behind me as I resisted the urge to flinch. Drake stepped up beside me.

“You best leave.”

They looked at Drake, sniffed, then their faces turned hard.

“Werewolf, this has nothing to do with you.” A smirk light my face. From the way they spoke to him, these vamps had no idea who Drake was. He could kick their asses. And so could I, if I felt like it.

“This had everything to do with me.”

Even I recoiled as Drake let his Alpha aura hit the vamps. Werewolf Alphas were extremely strong, and could easily kill a vampire. Especially these young ones. I could tell they were maybe fifty by the way they held themselves. Elder vampires had a respectful aura around them.

“Walk away!” Their leader growled. A snarl tore through my chest. No one spoke to the one I cared about like that! The leader growled in response. My blood boiled with anger. Being as old as I was, my anger made me uncontrollable; even to myself. The noise that I responded with sounded like a primal sound somewhere between a snarl and a growl.

Five of the vampires took a step back. The leader didn’t. He stared at me.

“F*cking freak.” What he did next threw me over the edge.

He raised his hand and slapped me.


I know its short, and Im sorry. I will be posting more soon. please remember to comment and tell me what you think.


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