Emergency plan #5

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Kaito's view

I flew through the silent night. It made me think back to Shinichi. Since when had he been so caring? Ever since I had watched him change and caught sight of his oh-so-flawless skin? I couldn't be imagining his concern just because of me seeing everything through rose-colored glasses, could I?

Since I am finally aware of my own feelings after all this time, I could hardly restrain myself from just blurting everything out and squeezing him in my arms and never letting go. When he suddenly burst into tears earlier, I couldn't help but come closer to my dream of crushing him with love. It felt so right and good to hold that trembling body, flaunting with warmth, in my arms.

And when he wrapped his arms around me, it had given me the rest. His heart was beating fast against my chest. I can still feel the places that came into contact with his body. I just hope he hadn't heard my rapidly beating heart.

Or... Oh God. Just the thought of me getting jealous when he talked about Ran being in mortal danger makes me blush with shame. I never had the right to do that. She has the extra 'childhood friend' badge branded on her skin.

And again, I became jealous. Probably because she had more time with him and because she will always be number one on his list.

I looked below me. The city was covered in all sorts of lights. Unfortunately, as much as I liked these places, I wasn't looking for them.

I flew on and on. And with every meter I flew, there were less and less colorful lights, until I discovered the black alley below me. I headed for it and landed elegantly just before it on an empty street.

Light-footed and without making a single sound, I entered the Hellmouth. Here and there I heard a hissing cat or a rat quickly fleeing into a nearby trash can to be safe from the predator.

"You don't have a new assignment yet."
This was clearly the man from earlier. I recognized him by his voice.
"I usually choose when and where to do a job." I turned around with a grin.

"What the- Kaito Kid?!"
" Most personally. And who do you might be?" I said as calmly as before, indicating a slight bow.

"What happened to Shinichi."
My grin widened as my eyes grew more and more into small slits.
"If you value his life, then you better let me do my stuff. I'm holding him hostage. And I know how much you need him."
To this I added a few casual hand gestures to illustrate how little I cared about my little detective's life. If he only knew.

"From what I hear, though, you don't murder."
A smug grin crept onto his face.
"Think about it for a moment. I manage to rob a gem over and over again in front of the entire police department. Covering up a murder would be easily my most basic trick. How do you even know I haven't already committed one? I'll do anything to make sure no one gets in my way," I bluffed with a coldness I've never had to use before, or maybe just never wanted to use.

"You little..."
I quickly cut him off.
"What, did I hear something?"
"What do you want?"

He seemed to have calmed down again. His muscles, which had been noticeably tense up until now, went completely relaxed. He gave up. Thankfully.
"What I want? That his friends, especially the Mori Detective Agency, suffer no harm. They are always responsible for a good thrill. And otherwise, what are you going to give me that I couldn't get for myself? I demand a proposal on your part."

With these final words, I launched my grappling hook at the nearby roof of a skyscraper. I heard a soft click, the sign that it had snagged. Then I felt a resistance and was immediately pulled into the air.
"You- "
That was all I perceived, for I had already flown away with the glider.

You and me, against the world [Kaishin/Shinkai] **eng version**Where stories live. Discover now