Stranger danger • Hitch hiking

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You had gone to a party, only thing was, this party was far far from home. Someone you know had driven you the whole way there with the promise to drive you back, though that promise, had proven to be an empty one... when you'd seen the person that had brought you, start drinking as soon as they got there, definitely leaving with no ride, unless you were to get a taxi? You had hoped that's what they'd planned to do, though by close to the end of the night, you'd seen them leave with some random person without you, now, you were left with no way home, broke and unable to walk the many miles, there you stood on the side of the road, thumb up.

It had been almost a half an hour, every car that had drove up the road had either went by, or when they'd stopped you had gotten a very bad feeling in your gut, or they had been quite visibly creepy. But finally, a purple buggy pulled up, stopping, the person rolling down the window, "you doing alright?" They'd asked, as you had been visibly cold and upset after the stressful situation, parties were suppose to be fun, but this wasn't fun.. this was scary... being trapped miles away from home.

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