"~In The Kitchen~" (Amanda x Fem!reader)

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Cheerful music played in the background as the group stood in the kitchen, a girl with dark skin, blue pants, and a yellow shirt introduced herself "Hi I'm Amanda". Another girl, with (h/c) hair, (F/c) pants, and an (sf/c) shirt, responded with her introduction: "I'm Y/n!" Lastly, the sheep boy chimed in, "And I'm Wooly!" The trio greeted the watcher with friendly waves. "Today, we are going to make an apple pie!" Amanda said happily waving her arms in the air. "My favorite is peach pie," Said Wooly. "What kind of pie do you like (Y/n)?" Amanda turns and asks you with a smile. "I like (f/p) pie" You respond cheerfully looking at Amanda and returning the smile. "What's your favorite kind of pie?" Amanda asks The Watcher.

M u t t o n

As Wooly gasped in expressed concern, both you and Amanda turned to face the sheep with unsettling smiles. Despite Wooly's unease, you said, "That sounds delicious." The screen glitched for a second. "First, we need to cut the apples," Amanda said. "Do you know what we can use to cut the apples?" Y/n asks, stepping forward so she is side by side with Amanda.

K n i f e

"Good job!" "We can use a sharp knife!" She said while holding up the pointy knife. Unfortunately, she almost ended up stabbing (Y/n). Realizing her mistake, Amanda quickly apologized "Oh! Sorry (Y/n)," and lowered the knife. "It's ok Amanda" (Y/n) said. "uhhh, I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves." Said Wooly worriedly getting you and Amanda's attention. "It's always good to be brave when you're by yourself." Said Amanda looking back at you. "Look! I'm a pirate haha" She imitates a pirate-like stance swinging the knife out in front of her. This caused Wooly to don a concerned expression while (y/n) giggled about how silly Amanda was acting. "that doesn't seem safe" said Wooly said in a nervous tone of voice. "Okay Wooly," (y/n) said rolling her eyes as Amanda straightened back up and said, "Let's cut the apples!" The time skipped a few minutes cutting to show (y/n), Amanda and Wooly have finished cutting the apples. "That was hard" (Y/n) said putting down the knife. "We have almost everything we need to make our pie." Said, Amanda. "We just need some sugar, hmmm do you know where we keep the sugar?" "Is it in the Pantry? The refrigerator? or the sink?"


"Nope, try again!" Amanda said shaking her head.


"Great!, let's make a pie!" (Y/n) said happily.

Time-skip to when the pie is ready for baking.

"Mmm, can you smell the apples and cinnamon?" Amanda asked, (Y/n) and Wooly nodded their heads in agreement. "Okay! It's time to bake a pie!" "First pre-heat the oven to four hundred twenty-five-" but Amanda was cut off by Wooly. "I don't think we should be using the oven by ourselves, we should always ask a parent for help." "I'm not sure where they are right now... we're on our own!" She giggles. "Preheat the oven to four hundred and twenty-five degrees, then, put the apple into the pie tin. Now put it in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes.

"Our pie is ready!" (Y/n) exclaims. "I can't wait to eat it!" Amanda says looking at (Y/n) happily, let's have some pie!" Suddenly The Watcher leaves leaving the trio alone once more. The mood in the kitchen swings down as Amanda looked down at her feet in sadness "Are they ever going to stay?" Amanda asks sadly. "I'm sure they are going to come back soon," Says (Y/n) walking over to comfort Amanda. "Yea," Wooly agrees. "Anyways, let's eat this delicious pie!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

(The End of main story Ep: 1)

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