ᴘɪɴᴋ ᴡʜɪᴛɴᴇʏ - ᴊᴀᴄᴋ ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟꜱ

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This chapter is kind of based on Lana Del Ray's song Trash Magic [Ps, you have a southern accent]

I can't help but grin as I stand outside the slightly beat-up barn, music and laughter from within can be heard for miles. My hands tingle with excitement as I swing open the door, moseying on in. "Well, I'll be! Y'all really do know how to party!" I exclaim, my Southern belle accent gracing the ears of everyone in the barn.

"Pinkie!" I grin giddily as I run and meet my old friend halfway, our bodies colliding in a hug.

"Oh, Ginger! God I've missed you, darlin'. How are ya'?" I pull away from the hug, holding my dear friend at arm's length. "You look amazing!"

"Oh stop. I look practically the same as I did when you left," She says sheepishly. Ginger has always been shy and a little timid. "But you look stunning,"

"You really think so?" I chuckle jokingly.

"Yes! This dress, your hair, your makeup, you look amazing!" Ginger gestures to the blue and white plaid dress I decided to pull out of my wardrobe. It hugs my curves and breasts perfectly, leaving not much to the imagination. "So how was it? The year-long undercover mission?"

She links her arm with my own, leading me over to the drinks table. "It wasn't what I thought it would be," I answer honestly as I stop in front of the table, pouring myself some punch. "It was quite lonely,"

"Oh, I'm sorry girl," Ginger says with a frown, not expecting that answer.

"I just missed y'all so much. I'm glad to be back," I say before sipping my clearly alcoholic punch.

"Champagne wants to see you," Ginger informs, sipping her drink as well.

"Where is that old timer?" I question as I look around the room, sighing at the slight warm feeling in my chest.

"Over here," She leads the way over to a group of older gentlemen. Agents Vodka and Rum jabberin' old Champagne's ear off.

"Still haven't kicked the can I see," I chuckle, making my presence known. The three older agents turn to face me, Champagne happy to see me and the others happy to see me. "Put your eyeballs back in your damn sockets,"

"Yeah, what she said," Champagne retorts jokingly before pulling me into a side hug. "Good to have you back Pinkie,"

"Good to be back Bubbles,"

"I hate it when you call me that,"

"You missed it and you know it," I grin up at the old man before downing the rest of my drink. The barn doors open, catching my attention almost immediately. I turn to see two men in suits, both sticking out like a sour thumb amongst the country folk. And leading them is none other than "As I live and breathe Tequila!" I squeal as I run over, jumping into his arms.

"God damn Pinkie, you've been gone way too long!" He sets me down on my two feet, still grasping my shoulders with a wide smile. "It's good to have you back,"

"Tequila you're being awfully rude," I tease jokingly as I gently shove him out of the way. "Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends?"

"Right. This is Galahad Senior and Junior," He gestures to the two men, his eyes scanning over my body, practically undressing me with his eyes. I shake my head as I ignore his eyes, turning my attention over to the Galahads.

"Lovely to meet you. Pink Whitney, but everyone calls me Pinkie," I smile brightly at the two men, shaking each of their hands.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Egsy," The younger fellow introduces himself, a British accent slipping through his thin lips. "This is Harry,"

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