Outstanding Career Of The Week

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Janine POV
This week is Outstanding
Gregory POV
Jacob POV
Barbara & Melissa POV
Janine POV
We love Outstanding Career Of The Week, where college kids come to our school to
Jacob POV
To go to hell
This one man who was coming to this event gave the kids a pack of cigarettes
Barbara & Melissa POV
Melissa: Yup I remember he gave us cigarettes, I took them too
Barbara: Honestly, I am glad we have college kids coming not the other ones who cuss us out last time
Melissa: Which was funny
Barbara looks at Melissa
Melissa: I mean bad, bad, baaad kid
Gregory POV
This is my first Outstanding Career Of The Week.
Janine POV
I am glad we have better money this year where there are kids coming from Los Angeles from a school called
Jacob POV
"GAU." It stands for "Golden Angeles University."
Ooo that sounds fancy we about to have rich kids up in here going crazy
Barbara & Melissa POV
Barbara: Their names are Olivia, Spencer, & Jordan.
Melissa: But there are more kids coming though. Even though these three kids are the main event we have more kids which are their friends.
Barbara: I am getting a girl named Layla, she will be talking about being an Manager in the music industry
Melissa: I have Patience who she manages in the music industry. She will be talking about what's it's like being a singer in the industry. Also being managed by Layla
Barbara: They must be best friends
Melissa: They must be
Melissa & Barbara smiled at each other
Janine POV
I have Olivia she will be talking to my class about journalists, which is cool because when I was in college I talked about being an journalist but then I got kicked out for being too boring as a writer. I mean, well at least I tried, right?
Gregory POV
I have two boys coming to talk about football to my class. Football is my favorite sport I love me some Baltimore Ravens. I can't wait for my class mean react to two guys from a football team. Plus also I have another guy who coaches football too named Asher, this is going to be an amazing presentation & my kids will enjoy it.
Jacob POV
Coop will be teaching my class about law. I love law, I took a law class not to become a lawyer but to learn the history about what is to become a lawyer & what they do. It was fun, I believe it would be fun for my kids too.
Hopefully these teachers are cute maybe I can get one of their phone numbers.
Camera man: You know their college students, right?
Their college students? Ah damn.
Mr. Johnson POV
I am just glad to be around football coaches & players because I used to play for a team before I became a professional janitor in an elementary school.
All the teachers are in the teacher lounge while Janine comes inside excited
Janine: Heyyy everybody who is excited for Outstanding Career Of The Week.
Jacob: Oh, I am so excited you know what I can't wait for my kids to learn law from this incredible girl named Coop.
Barbara: Honestly I am excited for this event too because these kids are coming from Los Angeles. We always get a lot of scammers from this event we have every year, so glad it's black people from another state & city.
Melissa: But the dude who handed cigarettes packs was hilarious
Everyone disagrees with Melissa as she walks out the lounge
Melissa: You guys are loser then
Janine: Gregory?
Gregory: Yeah?
Janine: Are you ready for Outstanding Career Of The Week?
Gregory: I am actually I can't wait for my kids to meet Spencer James & Jordan Baker
Janine: That's crazy I have a girl named Olivia Baker
Jacob: Their siblings, twin to be exact.
Gregory: That's crazy we got twins
Janine: Yeah crazy
Gregory: Who is Olivia baker? What will she be teaching your class Janine?
Janine: She will be talking about being an Journalist
Gregory: Oooo
Jacob: I remembered you said something about being an journalist in college what happened?
Gregory: You were an a journalist in college?
Janine: Yes I was but I dropped out before I even started
Jacob: You sounded like a good journalist you could've been an famous one.
Janine: Yeah I could've been.
Jacob POV
I lied about leaving I know I got kicked out but do they need to know that, NO!!!
Barbara: I'm really excited for this Layla girl to come teach us about music. I'm excited about what's it's like to run a business at such a young age. Like being 19 running a company is wild these kids are changing the game & I'm here for it.
Jacob: I'm worrying what is happening in Los Angeles? What time is it there anyways?
Barbara: I believe their just waking up, it's 9:15 while it's 12:15 for us.
Janine: I wonder what how they're morning is going.
On the other side of the world Olivia, Coop, Layla, & Patience are downstairs eating breakfast talking about Outstanding Career Of The Week.
Olivia: I'm excited about going to Philadelphia to teach kids about journalism.
Coop: Thank you for inviting us to join with y'all, even it was only you, Spencer & Jordan.
Olivia: They said the more the better which I was thankful for.
Layla: I have my scheduled all cleared to go to this event this week.
Patience: Thank goodness because I really wanted to go to this event to go talk to little elementary school kids.
Layla: Who did you guys get anyways? Like who class are you teaching
Olivia: I'm teaching a woman's 2nd grade class named Janine Teagues
Coop: I have some white dude named Jacob Hill, I'm teaching 3 classes of his 6th, 7th, & 8th graders.
Layla: Miss. Barbara kindergarten class which is weird because will her kindergarten class even want to be musicians or even want to hear about the management about music?
Olivia: The woman who runs the school named Ava, told me these were the last classes that were left so maybe
Coop: Patience? Who did you get?
Patience: 2nd grade teacher who is named Melissa Schemmenti.
Layla: Fancy name, I love it
Olivia: Same here
Coop: Well better be lucky with her because Jacob Hill is my guy.
Olivia: What time is the plane leaving Layla?
Layla: 2pm, what time is Spencer & Jordan getting here?
Olivia: They will be here at 12pm with bags packed & ready.
Layla: Perfect
Coop: Where are Spencer & Jordan?
Layla & Olivia: Working out.
Patience: I am so glad your dad let us used his jet to fly to another state.
Coop: Yeah your pops hook us up for real this time he is the goat
Patience: Which I'm very excited to be in Philadelphia. I don't know what Philadelphia is about but we will be finding out.
Everyone of one said yassss
Coop: What's this school called we going too anyways?
Olivia: Abbott Elementary
Coop: Sounds ghetto to me
Patience hits Coop
Coop: What?
Patience: You need to respect the school we are going to, you never know this school might be amazing school with respectful students not bad ones like you in pre k
Coop: I wasn't bad in pre k, you were probably bad in pre k.
Olivia: Not like Layla in elementary school
Layla: No, that was all you more then me. I was mysterious.
Olivia: Right? You didn't ruin Jessica pants up by putting chewed gum on her chair
Layla: Like I said mysterious
Layla walked away going upstairs
Coop: Let me go to this class before we leave. I'll see you guys here at 1pm
Coop leaves
Olivia: I guess it's just you & me
Patience: You wanna come to the studio before we leave at 1pm
Olivia: No not really? I just wanna chill until we leave we have an 5 hour flight which seems long so, I really just want to rest before we hit Philadelphia.
Patience: Then I'll see you later liv
Olivia: See you later Patience
Patience leaves Olivia there as she starts watching some tv before she get on the plane going to Philadelphia. On the campus of GAU Jordan & Spencer we're on the football field.
Spencer: Nice catch
Jordan: Thank you same goes to you Spencer.
Spencer: What you think about going to Philadelphia tonight?
Jordan: I'm excited we are about to be teaching little kids about football
Spencer: Yeah with a bunch of 1st graders.
Jordan: Do you think 1st graders are going to be interested in football
Spencer: Probably
Jordan: I hope so because I worked very hard on this project with you & Asher
Spencer: Where is Asher?
Jordan: He took Jamie to the doctors, plus he is off this week from coaching because this event we are going to.
Spencer: Well I guess we will see him at 1pm like the rest of the crew.
Jordan: Yup
Spencer: What about JJ?
Jordan: He's coming too, but right now he's at school catching up on some school work
Spencer: Ok I hope he gets it done
Jordan: Same here
Spencer: Who is this dude's class we teaching to anyways?
Jordan: Olivia didn't tell you the guy's name
Spencer: No, she just said his class is a bunch of 1st graders
Jordan: Oh his name is Gregory Eddie. Olivia said that's the teacher we are assigned with, which I'm excited to meet. Because he won Educator of the year award.
Spencer: Educator of the year award? Teachers out here getting awards for teaching?
Jordan: I just said award at the end of my sentence so yeah.
Spencer: You trying to be funny, boy start running so you could catch this football
Jordan runs out on the field as Spencer throws the ball to Jordan as he catches it. Asher & Jamie were on the way back to the house.
Jamie: I can't believe your going to be In Philadelphia for a whole entire week teaching kids about football & coaching players.
Asher: I'm excited I am so glad that Spencer & Jordan had me tag along, but it sad because I'm not going to be able to spent anytime with you.
Jamie: Asher, I'll be fine it's not like I'm 9 months pregnant I am a few weeks. My sister will be here to take care of me while your away.
Asher: I wish you were coming along with me, my doctor said I can't get on the airplane. I don't want nothing to happen to our baby, so go have fun with your friends... but not too much fun.
Jamie kissed him on the cheek while they were stopping at a red light.
Asher: Okay, I will have fun but don't think I'm not going to stop thinking about you. I will be calling you once I land in Philadelphia after 5 hours later.
Jamie: I appreciate you for checking if I am fine or thinking of me because I'll be missing you as much as you miss me too.
Asher: Of you will
They both kissed as someone honk the horn to move the car because it was a green light.
Asher & Jamie: OKAY
Asher drives the car
Asher: I am excited to eat their hoagies
Jamie: What's a hoagie?
Asher: A sandwich
Jamie: Why don't they just call it a sandwich?
Asher: They should, but the name is so important because it's that good. I mean Down south food always hits, I remember Miss. James, Spencer's mom. She bring over some food I couldn't stop eating it.
Jamie: I know you were so full, you blowed up the bathroom
Asher: I'm just saying I am ready for this trip to eat, relax, teach, & repeat.
Jamie: Say call too because I'll love to hear your voice too
Asher: Calling you too
They pulled up to the house walking up in it with an empty space. Asher starting packing up his clothes before Jamie's sister, JJ, Spencer & Jordan comes.

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