Then the lights flickered back on. The plane, though previously falling out of the sky, had landed successfully. The contestants let out a collective sigh of relief. Alejandro didn't take his eyes off Heather. 'I was right. Proud smirk.' Heather held one hand on the table leg the other with Alejandro. Still, he was right. She was smiling proudly at him. The smile quickly dissipated as the cast stood up. But her hand didn't let go of his until Owen's screaming set Alejandro off.

Alejandro dropped Heather's hand and made his way over to his screaming teammate. He counted to three aloud and then snapped. Owen suddenly calmed and continued talking to Duncan like normal. At Heather's quirked eyebrow, Alejandro leaned closer and whispered again. "My uncle Julio is a hypnotist." He crossed his arms, mirroring Heather. "So manipulating runs in the family?" Heather asked. Alejandro chuckled and shot back. "I've got way more up my sleeve. You'll see." He winked at her and turned to leave, picturing her smug face. Little did he know how her frown reflected her now shaken confidence.


Both Alejandro and Heather lined up with the rest of the cast outside. Through the dark, they could make out the rocky ground lined with government bases in the distance. Chris started his usual speech. He revealed they had flown straight to area fifty-two in South, Nevada. Alejandro wondered if Chris was too cheap to actually get them to area fifty-one when Chris announced their challenge; breaking into area fifty-one and retrieving something alien. Of course, Chris had someone on the inside, making it not entirely deadly but still dangerous. Like the laser he instructed be sent out, hitting Duncan.

Alejandro stood behind Heather as they both watched Courtney laughing, gripping Tyler's shoulder. Duncan, now burnt, furrowed his eyebrows and frowned at this display. Alejandro was more concerned with Heather's face, frozen in concentration, as if she was running calculations.

This set Alejandro off. 'My plan is constantly changing. Go for Owen, no Duncan, no Tyler, no Gwen, no Courtney! All to keep us both safe! And she spends all her time questioning me. I can't focus on that today. Today is about me and me alone.' He thought, finally turning from Heather.

With a bit more prepping from Chris, the teams set off in different directions to invade the base. Alejandro took one final look at Heather before they separated at a fork in the road. She was running, fists clenched along with her jaw. The pleasant feeling in Alejandro's chest was quickly chased away once he cleared his mind and focused on running.

While in formation, Duncan led the team. He shouted back at the boys, "Split up and look for a way in. Owen you're with me." Then they sped off with no debate. 'It's possible Duncan is trying to turn Owen on me. But why ignore a perfect opportunity to work on Tyler.' He stopped in his tracks. Elbowing Tyler, he slyly looked at him. "So, Courtney, eh? She can't stop flirting with you."

Tyler dropped his mouth in shock. "Flirting? With me? Whoa..." He smiled, recounting his earlier conversation about scoring two girls. Then his morals set in. "But no. I couldn't do that to my Lindsay." Alejandro's smile faded. He crossed his arms, about to argue with Tyler, when Duncan shouted from ahead. "Guys! You gotta see this!" Tyler walked away. Alejandro trailed behind, sure it was Tyler's time to go.


Heather followed her team at a slight jog. Her teammates kept their grumbling to a minimum but she could tell they were annoyed with her. 'You try running in wedges. I could break a heel on these rocks!' Still, they arrived at the fence leading inside the base. In front, there was a large minefield protecting the entrance. The girls, and Cody, stood stagnant, unsure of what to do.

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