A hostage? #4

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I nodded. What he was saying made sense.
"Good, and now a question I want to ask you, Shinichi."
The mood immediately tensed. His expression became serious and he narrowed his eyes slightly. I wondered what was going on inside his head.

"Do you want to talk about what happened to you?"
Besides Kaito's seriousness, he radiated sincere kindness and concern. I was surprised to ever see the roguish person in front of me make such a face, but ultimately nodded in thought.
"Yes. I seem to have no other choice."

Puzzled, he raised one of his eyebrows.
"Why in the world would you have no other choice?"
Inwardly, I had to smile superiorly.
"Well, it's obvious. I'll get more information from you, since you are the Moonlight Mage himself, and you've been involved in this whole mess in a way I don't know yet."

It was only a short moment, but I had not missed his eyes, which he had opened a tad wider. And he was well aware that I had not overlooked this brief mistake on his part, a little sigh indicated it to me.

"Since... Since when do you know?"
Disbelief could be heard out, under which a long-standing acceptance for this moment was mixed. He still didn't seem to have fully realized it, and yet he was already set on the fact that it couldn't be a secret forever.
"I had the suspicion, or rather the hunch, for a long time. I was only sure when I opened my eyes and saw you."

Waiting, he looked at me.
"Yes, and further?"
"What do you mean, 'and further'?"
Impatiently, he waved his hands in front of my nose.
"Well, how did you figure it out!"
I grabbed his wrists and rested his hands on his lap.
"You just asked me since when I knew, so I gave you an answer to that. You never put a 'how' in the question."

He seemed to want to kill me with his looks, which I found amusing. It's funny to tease him.
"Very well. Now, just so all the idiots, extravagant people and detectives understand:HOW did you figure it out?"
Okay. That hurt. He had actually just put me on the same level as idiots. After all, I know for myself that I'm extravagant.

"When I jumped down from the roof, I saw Kid for a brief moment. And I had already suspected then that you would follow me. The fact that I'm sitting here with you right now can only mean that you're the world-renowned Kaito Kid. Believe me. Even I was having a hard time believing it when I recognized your face."

His surprised look didn't last very long. Instead, he sighed once again.
"Well. It's not even that tragic that you know. Because of the situation we're in, I would have had to tell you sooner or later anyway, or you would have realized it before then. The fact that you found out actually makes it a lot easier for me."

He gave me a mischievous grin and scratched the back of his head with one hand, but became serious not long after."Back to the subject at hand. Do you want to tell me? Sure, you don't have to, of course. I just wanted to ask again."

I shook my head with narrowed eyes and a slight smile on my face.
"It's okay."
His eyes literally pierced me and I could feel my hands start to shake slightly again. Kaito noticed. He moved a little closer to me and hesitantly took my left hand in one of his.

I looked down at our hands a little surprised at this sudden friendly gesture. With slightly red cheeks and a smile on my lips, I then looked up at him and intertwined our fingers. At least my trembling body calmed down a bit. He didn't say many words to cheer me up, however his body language made me understand that he knew exactly what I was going through. And I needed someone who understood me, after all the years of lies and secrecy, even more at this moment.

"I was attempted to be killed a long time ago by an organization I call "the men in black". I caught them in one of their evil schemes. They wanted to give me a pill that would kill me. However, instead of silencing me, they made me shrink.

You and me, against the world [Kaishin/Shinkai] **eng version**Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt