⚠️ | Scara + Aether

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(notes: scaramouche grows taller 🙀, third person)

(2)TAGS: Blowjob, classroom/school

It was during the afternoon when a male blonde, Aether, had transferred to another school.
Due to the multiple fights and problems at his old high school that happened because of him, his parents to transferred him to another school in hopes he wont get himself mixed with bad people again. Though, they wouldn't know until they get back from their business trip.

Now, he was beginning to enter his class, standing in front of the door after figuring out a few ways throughout the school by a map. As the teacher gave him the signal to enter, he turned the knob to his homeroom and entered nervously. "Class, I would like you to welcome our transfer student warmly," the teacher glanced over at him as she gestured for him to come on in closer. He followed hesitantly, feeling his heart pound loudly from the excitement inside him. Aether turned to face the staring faces of the class and bowed slightly.

"Hello, my name is Aether. Let us all get along," he smears on a fake confident smile, a bit bored of doing this for the 6th time. The class greets him back with an uncertain voice, uninterested, as they quickly turn back to either chat with their friends or do something quietly on their own. Though, Aether lets out a sigh of relief when he had noticed the uninterested tone of the class. If they dont pay much attention to him, then his school life will go great. It doesn't matter if he's lonely, all he really wishes for is a silent life now. Back then, there would always be some sort of conflict that happened 4 times a week at the very least which he was the main target and problem in all of them. Then, his eyes gleamed some annoyance in realization of how quick they didn't care.

"Aether, you may take a seat in any free desks," the teacher smiled warmly at him as any teacher would do to try and make the class look inviting, interrupting the rest of his thoughts. Aether scanned the room carefully to then claim a seat beside the empty desk near the window. He liked seats not too close to the wall but also near them in the back as it was just an ideal desk area for him. He sits down on his new seat, settling in. As he finishes organizing his supplies for class, there was a loud bam that captured all of the students attention. They all, including Aether, turned to the source of the noise. It was the classroom door, and there stood between was a tall male with multiple piercings, leaning against the side jambs of the door.

"M-my goodness! How could you open the door so abruptly like that?" The teacher puts down her papers slowly and glares at the boy, clearly frustrated. As Aether watched, he noticed the wall that the door slammed against broke a bit. A small bead of sweat dropped from his cheek as he saw this.

"What? Can I not do that?" The boy stares down at the teacher, smirking in amusement as he clearly doesn't plan on backing down to stop doing it. Aether stared intently at the male with plain, dark indigo hair. His mind full of curiosity, he doesn't realize how long he had been zoning out on the boy before his eyes made contact with the taller boy. Aether flinched, embarrassed as he averted eye contact, but his gaze was still on him. It burnt right onto him.

"Scaramouche, just go take your seat. I've had enough of this behav-" The teacher quickly gets cut off as Scaramouche began talking over her. "Tell me, who's that?" He raised his hand to point at the blonde, who just remained still in his seat focusing on something else. The teacher narrowed her eyes, before cautiously speaking, "he's Aether, the new student. Don't you dare think of doing something bad young man otherwise i'll have to talk to your guardian again."
Scaramouches gaze lingers on him for a bit longer before turning away promptly, staring at the seat beside him. The class silently whispered to one another before getting over the loud interruption Scaramouche had caused, doing their own things now instead of gossiping. As Aether could clearly hear the footsteps approach, he placed his head on the table, pretending to rest. He hears the chair beside him screech as it gets pulled, noticing the fact that someone had sat beside him. As he quickly peeks, his assumption was right. It was the boy who had caused a ruckus first things first when entering the classroom, Scaramouche. He examines his appearance, staring at his several dark piercings. He had paid pretty close attention, as when Scaramouche argued with the teacher he also noticed a piercing on his tongue. How can he have so many? He stops staring, recalling the embarrassing moment when he caught him staring. After a few moments, Aether lifted his head, staring at the front of class as class began to start.

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