The Way to a Girl's Heart is through (Comic) Books

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A/N: My beautiful reader(s). As you may have noticed, I have not updated this story for quite some time. Reason being that my work has taken up all hours of my day and I never get enough time to write. Nonetheless, I have managed to put out this chapter. I will try my best to update regularly.

Thanks a lot. I hope you enjoy this chapter.




There were no notes since that day.

It was now the end of her second week and with no notes Jukyung wondered if she had offended Mr. Lee.

Though if she had, she expected she would have heard about it by now.

Jukyung decided to consult her seniors at the agency. She got her chance in the changing room when the women were changing into their uniforms.

Not wanting to be heard, Jukyung shuffled close to Jungeun as she sat on the metal bench placed between the two rows of lockers.

"Unnie..." Jukyung leaned towards the cleaner who had been fired before her, "did Mr. Lee leave you notes?"

"Hmm? Notes?" Jungeun looked up from her locker where she had been putting away her shoes.

"Like sticky notes."

"Oh yeah. He always had some comment or the other about what I was doing wrong. That fickle—never mind. But yes. He always left notes."

Jukyung took this information in for a minute. "Did he ever stop?"

Jungeun paused, "Stop?" she asked. Jukyung noticed that the other women in the room had paused what they were doing to listen in.

Jukyung lowered her voice, "Were there times he had no notes?"

"No," Jungeun and three other women said together quite loudly. Jukyung jumped at the unexpected insertion by the others.

"Wae? He's not leaving any notes for you?" Jungeun asked.

Jukyung sucked in her lip worriedly, "Well... yes."

"Aigoo, tsk, tsk," another cleaner said as she slammed her locker door shut. "Another one bites the dust," she commented to herself, shaking her head as she went out of the changing room.

Jukyung looked up at Jungeun, eyes wide with worry, "He's not going to fire me, right?"

The women only let out a groan of frustration as they went back to what they had been doing.

"But..." Jukyung clasped her hands in her lap, "I was doing so well... He wouldn't fire me over something so petty, would he?" All she had done was open up a few comic books. Surely that wasn't a crime, was it?

"He would. You should expect the axe soon. That man is the ficklest person I ever saw! Just ask Myeong-ah. Didn't he fire you over something petty too?" Jungeun called to the other cleaner who was changing out of her shirt.

"That's right, Jungeun Unnie! All I did was make a simple, tiny mistake and then bam! The Super tells me that Mr. Lee no longer wants to keep me on."

"What mistake did you make?" Jukyung asked, but before Myeong could answer, Jungeun interrupted.

"And take Eunsook! He didn't even let her stay for more than two days!"

Eunsook appeared from behind her locker door with a frown on her face, "Yes. That old cook didn't even give me a chance."

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