Chop, Chop, Slide

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Thomas is a serial killer running away from police after escaping jail for the second time.

3rd person:

It's been weeks since he's escaped and now killings have started again.

It took police all over the United States years to catch this guy.

Dylan wasn't going to admit he too feared for his safety but deep down, he knew he was going to try everything he could to live.

He woke up every morning and checked every piece of social media he had. The public got ahold of information quickly so it wasn't hard to find more news.

People all around him were running to near by shop and buying extra locks and hinges for doors.

This was probably the fifth lock he had installed on the front door. He even went as far as installing new security cameras for his house.

His home was huge so he was pretty much an easy target for everyone.

Just think about it. One guy, all alone in this mansion filled with beautiful items. Who wouldn't try to break in?

But what made this worse was that this infamous serial killer was spotted near his neighborhood only three days ago.

Dylan went to all costs for his protection.

He got himself a permit saying he was allowed to own a firearm and brought pistols, rifles, and shotguns.

It must've looked weird to the owner of some gun shops to see him purchasing all of them.

He had few friends that lived near him, not exactly neighbors but just a few blocks away.

There have been two murders since the killer got out.

Dylan didn't have a clue on the killers facial features or anything about the guy for that matter.

Some of the crime scene photos got leaked and of course he had a bit of curiosity.

He clicked the link that someone put there and he was met with a gruesome picture.

A group of bodies on the floor in a forest.

One girl had her head split in half.

A man had over thirty bullet wounds.

A slit throat on one.

Other was just lying there with a hatchet in their chest..

Dylan wanted to throw up once he saw all of them.

He hasn't seen anyone leave their house in over a week when those photos went up.

He stayed silent at home knowing he could literally die at any moment.

There were no leads on the killers whereabouts. He didn't even know how he looked.

So in short..he couldn't trust anyone.

The only thing Dylan did when he was home alone was just watch TV or scroll through some new announcements.

Then there was a knock on the door that made him jump slightly.

"Yo what's up?" He said calmly.

"Nothing, just bored and wanted to check up on my friends." Will said on and smiled.

Dylan sighed.

"Have you heard anything else about the guy?"

"Nope, I've asked everyone else but I've had no luck. All I've found out is his name."

★Dylmas Oneshots★ (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora