Don't Blame Me

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Dylan's boyfriend, Thomas, will do anything and everything to protect him, even kill the person who hurts Dylan most.

Third Person:

"Thomas, you have to get up."

He groaned and let himself roll off the bed.

"Tommy~ we're gonna be late if you don't get ready." Dylan sat on the floor next to his boyfriend.

Thomas shivered as Dylan unwrapped him from his blanket and laughed.

"Nooo~" Thomas whined.

That only led to Dylan kissing and pecking his neck. Finally he got the other to get up off the floor and change out of his clothing from the night before.

Once they finished changing into fresh clothing they went downstairs into their kitchen.

Dylan walked behind his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You hungry?" He asked and the other shook his head in response.

"C'mon have to eat something."

Thomas smiled as he reached his arm over to a slice of leftover pizza and putting it on a plate before heating it up.

"Happy?" He asked Dylan.

He kissed his cheek.

The front door creaked as someone unlocked the door. Dylan let him go and ran back behind the kitchen counter.

The other frowned as the heat that was once against his body faded.

"I'm back! You guys ready to go?" Ki asked, closing the door behind him, and glanced at his blonde roommate.

"Yeah, just let me get my things."

Thomas watched his secret lover ran upstairs to grab his bag.

He could feel a strong gaze behind him and turned around to face his roommate.

"Okay, I hate to ask but what is up with you guys?"

Thomas shot him a confused look while giving him a soft, nervous smile.

"W-what do you mean?"

Ki sighed.

"I mean, you guys look so tensed up whenever somebody walks in the same room both of you are in. Why?"

Thomas shook his head before opening his mouth to speak.

"I-I'm fine, we're fine, are you not fine? There's nothing going on. Your fine. I'm fine. Dylan's fine."

Ki raised a brow and continued glaring at him.

"N-NO! I mean.. He's not fine! I-I'm not saying he's not fine but m-maybe he isn't? M-maybe he is fine? That's not what I meant! H-He looks fine. Not! Not fine! I'm not saying he is fine but it depends! O-Or maybe-"

"Tommy shut up." Dylan ordered as he walked back downstairs.

"You're making this a lot worse."


Once they arrived to where they were headed they walked inside a elevator and pressed the button to the 2 floor in the mansion.
Kaya greeted them at the door with a smile.
"Hey guys, You made it! Come on!"


Somehow, Dylan got lost. He had been walking through hallways trying to find where his boyfriend was.
He walked into a room and saw a figure in the corner of the room.

★Dylmas Oneshots★ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now