Will contain Momceit and suicidal Virgil. Janus is actually Virgil's older brother but is like a parent to him. Will be human AU.
Janus is 21 he/him
Virgil is 17 he/they
Remy is 18 he/they/it
Remus is 19 they/it
Not requested.
Roman x Youngblood x Noise angst along with obvious Prinxiety mention

Very obvious hints to self harm.

Janus' POV:

It was around five o'clock in the afternoon and I was sitting on the couch drinking some wine leaning against Remus who took my hat and put it on. I hear someone scream my name from my younger brothers room. It sounded like his best friend Remy. I look at Remus before placing my glass down and I realize something seriously bad could've happened again. I ran down the hall to Virgil's room, seeing Remy hugging a sobbing Virgil tightly, his arms were bleeding. Remy looks up at me before trying to get Virgil to calm down.

I know what happened. This isn't the first time. I slowly walk over to the both of them and kneel down. "Everything will be alright Virge. I know it's still hard on you, it is for me too. Just please understand that we care for you and need you. Mom and dad would want you to keep trying your best to move on, not hurt yourself because of it. They always hated seeing you in pain." I gently pick him up before looking at Remus before saying "try to comfort Remy, I know that's not your strong point but I can't comfort both." He mumbled "I'll try before walking to Remy. I take Virgil to the bathroom.

When we get to the bathroom I set him down on the sink/counter. I grab the bandages from under the sink before cleaning his arms. He calmed down a bit and watches me wrap them. "Hey Virge?" There was a pause before they said "what.?" "I hope you keep in mind that it's not too late to accept help, I promise everything will alright. Mom and dad have always cared about your mental health and wouldn't want you to be alone through this. Even if you don't wanna get professional help you still have me.!" "Like that will prevent anything. You know that nothing will stop me from wanting to die Jan. I don't know why you keep trying. I should've died with them."

Tears start falling down their face again. I pull him close and kiss his head. "You know why I don't give up on you Virge. You're all I have and I love you (family love). I don't know what I would do without you. Your friend love you. You deserve to live Virge, a lot more people care about you than you think. Want me to name some?" He nods and looks up at me.

"Well there's me and Remy, obviously. Patton, Emile, and Thomas care about you. Even Logan, Remus, and Roman care about you! They don't care about most other people but they care about you." I rustle their hair with my hand before continuing. "That's just 8 people I know, there are other people who care about you that I don't know. Mom and dad would be proud to see you grow close with people who care about you." He mumbles something but I couldn't hear it.

I hug Virgil before letting go and saying "c'mon Virge, let's go check on Remy and Remus." He gets up and we walk to his room to see Remy sitting on the bee, drinking either coffee or hot cocoa, Remus laying on the floor, and they're both smiling(more so Remus). I look at Virge and whisper "let's go to the living room, it's now Disney night." He smiled. "DISNEY NIGHT!" Remus screamed. How did he hear me?



Janus was drinking wine right out of the bottle, mascara running down his face(he wears mascara, he's the wine aunt who talks shit about everyone) as he sobs. Remus walked over to him and sits down, taking the bottle from him and hugging him. Janus sobs into Remus' chest "WHEN I SAID HE SHOULD SPEND MORE T-TME WITH OTHERS WHO CARE FOR HIM, I DIDN'T MEAN F-FUCKING ABANDON ME AND NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN! A-ALL I DID WAS CARE FOR HIM!" Janus yelled, pushing away from Remus.

"I know you're upset Jan but you shouldn't drink your problems away. I know I'm not Virgil but I want you to know that I'll never leave your side, you're my best friend. How about we do something like watch a movie, show, or videos? Also when you're a bit more sober and calm I'll take you somewhere." Remus said. Janus just looked away from him, tears still falling from his eyes. "Fine" was all Janus said.

"I could call Remy to hang out with us, Virgil left them too. It could be a 'left behind party' for us all!" Remus said, trying to lighten up the mood. It worked, Janus smiled a bit and nodded. Remus got his phone and called Remy, inviting him to their house.

Once Remy got there, they were all cuddled together on the couch and watching Beetlejuice together. "Hey Remus, I didn't know you were famous enough to be in a movie." Remy joked. Janus snickered and Remus smirked.

  Meanwhile with other abandoned people

Third person:

Youngblood and Noise were sitting in a forest clearing. "I can't believe it. He fucking ABANDONED us. After EVERYTHING." Youngblood said, squeezing Noise's hand slightly. "I guess everything was for nothing. The adventures, the dancing, the singing, our time, even our fucking love wasn't enough. It was ALL for nothing. He left us for someone he barely knows. I guess he was just here for the mystery and to spice up his life." Noise said, a few tears falling.

Youngblood sighs and kisses Noise's forehead. Noise hugs Youngblood and let's a few more tears fall, Youngblood tries to force his tears to stay in but some fall anyways. The two cry together in each others arms. "We told him literally everything and it wasn't enough for him. He's a selfish bastard." Youngblood said before resting his hand against Noise's cheek and kissing him gently. "He's not worth our tears or time anymore." Noise said, standing up.

"Now to get our mind away from him, may I have this dance?" They ask, wiping his tears before holding their hand out for Youngblood to grab. Youngblood wipes his tears, smiles slightly, then grabs Noise's hand. "Yes you may." Noise pulls Youngblood up to stand and they dance together in the clearing while humming. It started raining around them as they danced together for hours.

This was written over the course of five days because I was bored.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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