Chapter 19: You Like That?

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"Touch me." I whispered.

His hand trailed down to my hip and instead of gripping it, his fingers slipped under the fabric of my shirt and began exploring my skin. They danced their way up my ribcage and his thumb brushed against the bottom of my breast. His eyes were fixed on my face, watching my reaction.  He slowly started moving upwards, his hand lightly skating over my nipple. My breath caught in my throat, causing him to smile.

"You like that?" He asked, his voice husky.

I hummed in response, afraid of how I'd sound if I spoke. It was hard to believe this was actually happening.

While he hadn't done much yet, he knew how to build heat and anticipation. The act of carefully watching me did something to me and I wanted more of this.

I loved the feeling of his lips against mine, but Pedro appeared to be skilled in finding different ways to turn me on. Maybe experience? I didn't want to think about how or why, but my brain went there and I reflexively winced.

"You ok?" He asked.

Appreciating the fact that he checked in with me, I nodded and managed a smile.

"If you want me to stop at any point, please tell me." My gaze was pulled towards him and his eyes were serious, "This is about your pleasure, ok?"

I nodded again and managed to speak, "Sorry, my brain just went somewhere I didn't like."

He hummed, "Would you like me to talk to you? Keep your brain focused on something?"

A shy smile spread across my face and I nodded once again. Why were words suddenly so hard for me? I was grateful he was able to provide some.

He guided my body so I was lying flat on my back. With one hand still on my chest he propped his head up with his other hand.

"I catch myself thinking about you all the time," He started, leaning in and speaking low in my ear. The sensation of his warm breath, the way his voice changed almost imperceptibly when he whispered. It was deeper. Sensual.  The combination of what he said and the way he began tracing his finger around my nipple caused me to whimper. 

"It often starts with who you are as a person, just so you know." He placed a gentle kiss on my neck. "But it quickly goes to how you make me feel and the things I want to do to you." 

"I love your creativity, not just in the work you do but in the way you express yourself. You're so funny, and half the time I don't think you even realize you're being funny. I haven't laughed the way I do with you in a long time." As he divulged his inner most thoughts, he let his hand rest on my breast. When he said he would talk to me I didn't think he'd go this route, but I wasn't complaining. I think I needed to hear it. 

"But then," His fingers began moving again and with the slightest effort he pinched my nipple. "I think about how good we look together. How unreal our chemistry is. How small you are and how every part of your body fits perfectly in my hands."

"I think about how you looked in my apartment. I try to go there last but sometimes it's difficult. When you undressed in front of me I didn't think there would be a time when you'd look better, except maybe underneath me, or on top of me. Then we were in the bathroom and I watched you watching yourself as I touched you. I knew I was wrong." He squeezed my breast and buried his face in my neck, "God, you're so sexy."

My breath was shaky and uneven. I was desperate for more. No one had ever taken the time to tell me what they thought or how they felt about me. Not like this. Not without expecting something in return. 

He loosened his grip and returned to touching my nipple. Except now, he was alternating between pulling it and twisting it. 

"I wanted to go slow, to ease us both into it. But when I saw that; the way you looked, the sounds you made. It's burned into my head. It was so hard to stop myself. We kissed and I got lost in it. Your lips are the softest things and so plump. God, just the memory of your tongue against mine makes me hard." He twisted my nipple hard as he finished his sentence. 

Pink Pansies ✺ A Pedro Pascal A.U.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें