Kluennuea Blackstory

Start from the beginning

End of Warning

The sound of the bell ringing startled Daonuea, he woke up with annoyance and looked around the room. This wasn't his room, he was even more shocked when he noticed another person moving on the same bed as his. Fuck! What was Khabkluen doing here!? Why is he naked? Questions arose in Daonuea's mind. He looked at himself and the quilt he used to cover his family treasure. Atleast he had a hint of modesty. Connecting the dots together, Daonuea was stunned. He got up quickly, picking up random pieces of clothes and wearing it. Soon Khabkluen woke up, he felt a hell of a headache.

"..Daonuea?" Khabkluen asked with a hint of confusion in his voice as he felt his vision become clearer. "K-Khabkluen-" Daonuea was shaking, he tried to not stutter but wavered at Khabkluen's gaze. "Kluen, It's me na. Are you still sleeping? Open the door." The voice of Georgia rung out from the door. Khabkluen was still stunned as Daonuea rushed to the door, fixing his appearance pretending like nothing happened. Khabkluen looked at Daonuea and they both nodded in understanding. He rushed to the bathroom and Daonuea opened the door. Georgia was surprised, she didn't expect to see Daonuea here.

"Ah Gia? Sawadee Kha, How are you? Do come in." Daonuea spoke with a polite tone, "..Sawadee Kha phi, Where's Kluen?" She asked as she looked around. "He's taking a bath." Daonuea replied as he closed the door. Georgia sat down as he ignored his splitting headache bringing a cup of iced tea for Georgia. "I was pretty wasted last night so Khabkluen brought me here." Daonuea felt his throat get itchy and his heart get heavy at the obvious lie. His head hurt more because of the guilt building up inside. He knew that last night was a mistake and wouldn't ever happen again. A small part of him inside was still happy although he'd never admit it. Daonuea took a sharp breath as he sat down. He didn't realize he was in pain from the waist down.

"P'Nuea, are you alright?" Georgia asked with concern. Daonuea felt his heart get heavier, he felt so much guilt. He smiled as he dismissed her concern. "No, it's fine I think I hit my leg somewhere." He lied through his teeth. Soon the bathroom door opened to reveal Khabkluen in a black t-shirt that hugged all the right places and shorts. His hair, still wet kept dripping from the tips. Daonuea felt his breath taken away at that instant. Soon after, he shunned himself for even thinking like that about Khabkluen infront of Georgia. Georgia had kept staring at Daonuea's t-shirt. When he looked down he realised why.

He was wearing Khabkluen's t-shirt! Fuck! Why is he so blind!? "Ah phi, are you a Scrubb fan? Kluen has that exact same t-shirt." Georgia smiled. Daonuea felt increasingly uncomfortable and avoided her eyes as he nodded. He has never even heard of the band, why was he doing this? What is he afraid of? Daonuea felt his eyes burn. Thankfully he controlled his tears as he smiled. "Kluen come here, show us your t-shirt! P'Nuea has the same t-shirt." She spoke excitedly. Khabkluen walked to Georgia and sat down beside her. He looked at Daonuea. Daonuea panicked, he was scared that he'll ruin the relationship between Khabkluen and Georgia.

Khabkluen shrugged as he calmly replied "Left it at Sean's. He'll probably get it for me later." Daonuea internally sighed in relief. "Ah, Gia it was nice meeting you na? I got to go now. Ai'Kluen, if you're alright now can you drop me off at my condo?" Khabkluen nodded as he hugged Georgia and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Daonuea felt his heart crack. Goddammit, why is his heart never laid to rest? Right he would also have to be laid to rest if his heart did rest. Daonuea smiled as he internally cried. Khabkluen picked up his keys as he walked out with Daonuea. Daonuea felt his heart hammer.

He was panicking, he didn't want to break the silence. He was scared to do that. Eventually. He got inside the car and had already reached at a red light, Khabkluen broke the silence. "Phi." He spoke, Daonuea sighed. Khabkluen almost never called him that if it isn't serious. "Phi..about last night.." He continued. Daonuea shut his eyes as he felt like he should run away. Daonuea took a deep breath. "Khabkluen. I-I can't forget something so serious like what happened, you know I still like you. Y-you know it better than anyone." Daonuea sniffed, his eyes started to water.

Khabkluen sighed. "Phi, I just can't handle this. I love Gia, I do. So just please don't come between us. This was a drunken mistake and I'm sure this will never ever happen again. Just leave me alone phi, I don't think I'll ever like you."
Daonuea closed his eyes letting Khabkluen's words sink in. If his heart was cracked before, now it was shattered. Daonuea nodded, wiping away his tears and as the car stopped, he got out quickly. Not bothering to say goodbye. Daonuea managed to get inside of his condo without crying. Soon after he reached his bed, he let out a heart wrenching sob. One sob turned to multiple sobs, it felt worse than getting rejected by him at high school.

He felt terrible, his body even had to muster up the strength to even take a shower. When he walked infront of the sink and stared at the mirror, he teared up. His eyes were puffy and red, his nose was like a strawberry and his cheeks had continuous tear tracks that were now dry. Daonuea also shaking, he cried as he looked at himself in the mirror. His chest and sides of his jaw were covered in red marks. He doesn't know how Georgia didn't even notice them. There were also bite marks on his chest, the pain didn't decrease. Daonuea took a deep breath. Calming down, he wiped away his tears and got on to the shower. He will wash any trace of Khabkluen off of him.

That was the end of Daonuea's heartbreak. He decided to move on, but a heart knows what it wants and it kept drifting off to the comforting yet harsh waves of his unrequited love.


Daonuea chuckled at himself, he was so dramatic then. He almost feels embarrassed, but he's thankful he is now alright with Khabkluen. Although he isn't fully ready to accept him, he's glad Khabkluen cleared up the air of tension between them. He was surprised that all it took for his traumatic rejection to vanish was just a comforting conversation. Daonuea drifted off to sleep, leaving soft breaths behind.

Hello! It's the author here, Thank you for all the reads and votes. I am a newcomer and I got extremely anxious thinking that I'd get flamed for my writing but it's nice to see you guys reading and liking my story. I might be publishing another book soon, but it depends.

Thank you for reading this far.

Do wait for Part 3.

Signing off

- 𝚍𝚡𝚗𝚔.𝚍𝚡𝚗𝚡𝚝𝚜

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