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From the moment, Khadijah had first laid eyes on Arion in Jackie's living room

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From the moment, Khadijah had first laid eyes on Arion in Jackie's living room. It was a wrap. At eight-years-old, she'd spent the majority of the time curled up next to her mom, Timera, who had gone over to spend the day with Jackie and Lauren.

"Kevin and Arion be driving me crazy," Jackie rolled her eyes with a sigh, "I'on even know how, but they managed to get a Nerf gun--all weekend, they've been shooting at each other and even shot at Nathan while he was studying."

"I swear Arion don't even go home anymore," Lauren chuckled, taking a puff from her cigarette, she tapped the edge of the ashtray Jackie had set out for her on the coffee table, "his momma still in-and-out of jail?"

"You know she is," Jackie stressed to her friend, leaning back against couch, "got arrested for aggravated assault a while ago. I think she's back on drugs again, plus she don't give a fuck about that boy. The last time I seen her before that, she was on the streets, selling her goods for a joint."

"Tatiana was never fit to be a mother," Timera interjected, shaking her head, "we told her not to go with Ricky and look what happened."

"Oh, yeah--Ricky." Lauren mused aloud. "The drug dealer, right? Drug dealer turned pimp after Tati went with him."

"Yeah, that guy."

"I can't let Arion go back to that group home, he's so much happier here with Kev," Jackie said with a small smile, "Kev loves that boy--I think even more than Nathan. Nathan's grown now, he doesn't want to have anything to do with him--too busy studying and chasing his dreams."

"Nathan--quite frankly, Jack--doesn't want shit to do with anyone around here," Lauren scoffed.

"My baby has dreams." Jackie said, defending her son.

"Okay, girl--dreams to get the fuck outta the Bronx and never look back. That little nigga is so fucking pretentious sometimes--"

Suddenly, a loud thud sounded above them and loud raucous laughter sounded above them through the floorboards.

"Kevin Perez and Arion Howard! You better not be breaking up my house up there!" Jackie shouted to the ceiling, making Khadijah wince. "See, what I mean? I love those two, but they're so much trouble sometimes. I wish they could be more like Khadijah." Jackie sighed once more, smiling as she looked at little Khadijah, who remained glued to her mother's side.

"Tuh, she's all up under me because her aabo's (father) not here, he's on another trip, two states over," Timera scoffed, the little grin giving her away as she stroked her little girl's hair, "she loves him so much, you know. Maybe a little too much. All she does is spend time with him. Sometimes, I feel like she only loves me half as much."

"That's not true, hooyo (mom), I love you," Khadijah piped up, looking up at her mother who stared at her with adoration.

"I know, jacaylkayga (my love)." Timera reassured her.

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