*~Chapter 10~*

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You spent the next day mostly reading. Turns out, he actually had quite a few books, almost all of them about wild magic. It was really interesting.

Then you wondered something. You went to get your sketchbook and pencil and sat on the ground with the book in front of you. You then tried drawing the light glyph from the show and tapped it to see if it would work. It took a few attempts to remember exactly how it looked, but eventually you managed it. Your eyes widened as you watched the paper crumple up and turn into a small ball of light. You did it.

You did it again, to make sure it wasn't a fluke, and, sure enough, the pattern was correct. You'd done magic. Real magic, not the crappy 'tricks' people often do. Actual magic. This was the best day of your life.

Hunter opened the door as you made another, his eyes widening. He took off his mask.
"Whoa..." he breathed. "How... How are you doing that?"

"Well, I was looking through some of your books on wild magic, and I realised that if I drew the patterns from the savage ages, I could cast spells."
Turns out you were better at coming up with lies on the spot than you thought.

"Wanna try?" you asked.

"Wh-what? But— it's wild magic! It's—"

"It's what? Dangerous? Says who? Belos?"

He went quiet.

"You don't know until you try."

He thought for a second.
"Okay," he hesitantly said.

He sat himself down next to you. He took the pencil and began to draw a circle. You could tell he didn't really know what to do next, so you decided to help him out.

"Here, like this..." You gently placed your hand over his, guiding his hand to draw the pattern. He blushed from the close contact.
'Titan, Hunter, what's wrong with you?' he thought.

You finished and let go of his hand. He felt disappointed; he wanted so much to take your hand, hold it tight. But he didn't. He couldn't.

"What... do I do now?" he asked.

"Just tap it."

He did, and he watched in awe as the paper turned into a ball of light. His dark magenta eyes followed it as it floated upward. You loved the way the light shone off his eyes, making them look brighter than ever before. They were beautiful.

He glanced down at the sketchbook and back at the light. Then he drew it again. Tapped it. Again and again. Soon enough the room was full with light spells.

"Whoa...!" you breathed. "You did great!" You wrapped your arms around him in a hug, and he tensed, his cheeks and ears growing red from the close contact.

"Uh— Wha— What are you doing?"

"I'm... hugging you?" You pulled away, slight blush covering your cheeks, and sat in front of him to face him. "Don't you know what a hug is?"

He shook his head.

'Oh... You poor, poor boy,' you thought.
"It's alright. I'll, uhm, I-I'll teach you."

He looked at you intently, awaiting instructions.

"Uh, so... hugging is, like.... you- you wrap your arms around someone.. like this." You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and neck. "You... You hold them close, like you never want to let go. And... and you feel your problems melt away. It's just you..... and them. Nothing else."

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"Is... this right?"

"Yeah. That's it."

"It feels nice."

The two of you stayed like that for a while, just basking in one another's presence, holding each other close, like if either of you let go you'd never see each other again.

You wanted to stay like this forever.

You turned over again. You just couldn't get comfortable. Try as you might, it just seemed that no position was a good position for sleep. You heard shuffling from Hunter's bed.

"Hey," you heard him whisper. You sat up, and you peeked over the end of the bed. You saw that he'd moved over to the left side of the bed. When he noticed you looking at him he patted the space next to him.

"Really?" you whispered. He nodded his head.

You stood up and walked over to the right side of his bed, before sitting yourself down and laying next to him. You looked at him.

"Thanks," you said.

"Don't mention it."

You turned to lay on your side, facing away from Hunter.

There was a moment of silence.

"Goodnight, Hunter."

You hadn't expected an answer.

"Goodnight, y/n."

(April 30 2023)

Be Careful What You Wish For (Golden Guard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now