a/n pt. 2

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Just like with the last chapter, I'll take this down when I publish the next real chapter.

Soooo, I'm not dead, surprisingly. Life got really tough here these past several months. I haven't been mentally nor physically well, and I don't mean like sick or anything. And I just don't have a lot of time to write. I'm either doing homework, doing chores, or hanging out with the love of my life. that and I've had writers block soooo bad. I have half a chapter written and I think in going to draw this book to a close soon, soon as in chapter wise soon.

But, summer is right around the corner, so maybe some free time is in my future.

Also, after this book finished, what if I do add ons? A little shenanigan section with possible fluff? I've grown to love the characters I've given life to and don't wanna see them just wither away. Ya know? So, thoughts on that.

I promise y'all that I'm going to write whenever I get the chance. I'm doing this for y'all because I left off in the worst possible spot and I am so sorry but really because I'm evil.

Oh, another thing; I'm old now apparently. Like 18 kinda old and that's really weird to think about. It feels like I was only a kiddo when I started writing all of this. I feel like I've grown up with the community that has stuck with this book. I don't know if theres anyone out there that has been with me since day one, but if there is; hi to you specifically.

Anyway, I'm not going to go on a rant about how fucked up I am like I did in the last chapter. I just wanted to do a quick check in, let you know I'm not dead, and assure you that the next chapter will be out soooooon????

Alright, that's all for now.


~ yours truly
Pussy fart

Don't Vibe in my doorway pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now