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Okay, this will be taken down when I post the next chapter.

It's been a hot minute and I'm very sorry. I've hit a really bad writers block and have no motivation.

On top of that, school have been shoved so far down my throat. I graduate highschool in a few months and I'm trying to get my shit together.

I made the mistake of taking two ap science classes in one year along with a college level math class. Mistakes were made. Now, I've been nominated into a thing called ACES which is competitive testing and my first one is coming up soon.

It's freaking me out because I've never been one of the "smart" kids until this year. I've always been talked down to. That and I have a learning disability called dyslexia and it really fucks with me.

Home life has been hell. I can't do anything without being scolded anymore. And I've hit a really bad spot of depression and no one cares.

Y'all, I just wanna hangout with my goofy boyfriend. That is the only reason I have right now. Most of my friends hate me. People are threatening to fight me and are spreading false rumors about me. Hell, my ex had to come talk to me because she had gotten wrapped up in it. Everything is awful.

I didn't mean to get off on a tangent, originally I was just gonna say not to worry. I'm not dead and this book will be continued till the end. How it'll end, I don't know yet. But I do have plot in mind. I just need motivation and time.

Please have a nice day/morning/afternoon/night

Love y'all


Don't Vibe in my doorway pt. 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt