Chapter 2 : Panic,Crying and Fear

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jisung lock the door quickly and went to his bedroom and lock the door and all the windows on his bedroom.

Jisung hide in his bedroom and can hear loud banging on his door. Jisung we're panicking and are too scared to move but the banging gets more and more loud and violent. Eventually he heard his door breaking down with a loud crashing noise. Then silence. It’s so quiet jisung can hear how terrified his breathing were. But before jisung know it he hear footsteps coming to his bedroom.

As jisung hear the footsteps coming closer his heart beats faster and faster.

Jisung heard the door of his bedroom opening. Now Minho is in his bedroom and jisung can hear his footsteps going closer and closer to his bed. Then a hand touches hes foot. Is Minho gonna find jisung?

“Aww! I found you!” Jisung heard Minho’s voice. He is staring at jisung. A creepy smile is on his face and there’s still crazy vibes in his eyes. But then he changes from looking crazy to being super charming, you could even say he looks sweet. His voice becomes soft and sweet. “Hey! Don’t cry!” He says trying to make jisung feel better. “Why are you crying?”

Get out of my apartment!!! jisung said while shouting and crying.

Minho’s creepy smile appears again and jisung know that he made a mistake by shouting at him. He looks at jisung in disgust and with a creepy calm voice he says “You didn’t have to shout at me…”

Then he goes closer and tries to grab jisung but jisung rolled away under the bed so he doesn’t get to jisung. Minho is frustrated and mad. Jisung heard another crash from the bedroom. He threw something this time for sure. Do jisung dare to come out of the bed?

Jisung run out to his bedroom and goes outside. He run fast and hide to a parked car near his apartment.

Jisung is too quick and managed to escape again. Jisung get in the car and drive away not knowing what to do. Jisung is scared and want help. He try to drive as far away as possible from hes new weird neighbor. He stop the car at the nearest police station and run inside to tell them what happened. They listen to jisung and tell him that they will handle it and get back to jisung as soon as possible. They call back a few hours later, do jisung want to answer their call?

Officer any updates about my stalker? jisung asked the cop.

“Hey! Yes. We were able to track him down. He was caught by our officers. The suspect is now in custody. You’re safe and don’t need to worry anymore.” The police officer says reassuringly.

Jisung take a deep breath and feel as if this was all just a bad dream. He almost don’t believe that it’s over. He thank the police officer and hang up the phone. Is this really over or will there be another twist in this story?


Hello again my fellow readers!
My apologies to y'all if i posted
this late i was busy doing my homeworks and projects but I'll keep updating you guys on my story!

- Author wrenreynsterrr❤️

Stalker - MinSung Yandere AUWhere stories live. Discover now