Chapter 1 : Mr. Sketchy Stalker

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Minho is hiding in the bush stalking his victim

Is someone there?
jisung asked.

“Yeah, it’s me!” Minho says coming out of the bush with a maniac smile on his face. “How are you doing?” he seems to try to be nice but that smile is still on his face making it a creepy situation.

Uh... Your creeping me out... Jisung said while shivering in fear

Oh! Sorry then! I say while the smile disappears from my face “I…just came to welcome you to the neighborhood."

So…why did you move into this apartments?” He keeps talking as if you are already friends to find out more about you.

Well my parents kicked me out from there house...

“Oh! I’m really sorry to hear that…Do you have any place to stay then?” Minho says as if he cares when he is just trying to have some sort of conversation to learn about you. But then he gets a brilliant idea to show how ‘kind’ and ‘helpful’ he can be. “Hey! You can stay with me for some time if you want. I have a spare room since I never really have any visitors anyway.” I says with a smile expecting that you will accept the offer.

No it's ok i already have an apartment to live.

Minho’s smile disappears “Oh yeah i forgot…” Then a second later his smile comes back on “Hey! You wanna hang out? I mean since we’re neighbors and all.” He says while moving closer to you. He has a really weird vibe in his eyes. Almost like he's looking at you like a predator looks at its prey.

I think tomorrow it's late i really need to get back to my apartment... See you... I said while walking away.

You managed to get away without raising much suspicions yet. But Minho definitely have a weird vibe in his eyes and you can’t stop thinking about him. You get inside your apartment and it takes a while before you feel safe. You look at your phone and find 15 missed calls from an unknown number, 1 new message and it says:

“We’ll meet again!”

And you just got a creepy feeling as if he is watching you right now.

what... who is this? I asked myself

One hour later you suddenly hear a knock on your front door. Who is it? It’s getting darker outside, and more and more quiet. You start to get really scared and wonder if you should go check who it is.

Who is there?? I said unlocking the door only finding out no ones at the door.

No answer… You start wondering if you just imagined the knock or not. You start feeling safer but a few minutes later you hear another knock much louder and longer, that’s when you realize it wasn’t in your head… “Is anyone there?” The voice that says these words sounds so familiar, but you can’t place the voice, who is it? You really want to know so you try checking who it is from the peephole, when you do look you see a creepy smiling  stranger staring at you.


this is the end of the chapter one!
I'll be updating you guys
for the other chapters.
I'm sorry if i post my story late due
to school works and ect.😅

Anyways cya at the next chapter!

- author wrenreynsterrr ❤️

Stalker - MinSung Yandere AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt