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The warehouse we're supposed to meet Juarez is as wrecked and abandoned as the one we were at this afternoon

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The warehouse we're supposed to meet Juarez is as wrecked and abandoned as the one we were at this afternoon. The only difference is that this one is a little bit more on the outer skirts of the city. Which makes it ideal for storing illegal drugs.

Only thing is, there's no sign that drugs are being stored here.

The team already knew this wasn't where Juarez stored his drugs. It's pretty obvious that a guy like him wouldn't just let a stranger know where his prized possessions are. Besides, we already did a whole sweep of the building once we got the location and it is as abandoned as it looks.

I've had a change of outfit, now wearing meant-to-be washed out mom jeans and a neat maroon crop top and leather jacket, coming out of Sasha's wardrobe, since Juarez texted her that she had to borrow me new clothes.

At least he bought the homeless look I was going for.

Of course, I could've used my own clothes, but since I have this nagging feeling about him and what's going down tonight, we wanted to play it safe. Sasha gave me her most worn clothes that he would surely recognise as hers, if he's that attentive.

The only thing I'm wearing that is my own, is the combat boots that I found deep in my closet. Last time I wore these boots, was with Erin when she still worked with us.

She also had the exact same boots and we didn't know we were owning the same boots, until we both wore them on the same day. Since then, we wore those boots everyday to work, together, never exchanging them for a nice comfy pair of sneakers or something else.

I'm leaning against Sasha's beat up ride, when headlights obscure my vision.

"He's here," Sasha states who's standing next to me.

"Really?" I ask, bringing a hand up to protect my eyes from the blinding light."I haven't noticed."

"You know what to do right?" I ask Sasha lowly.

She nods, watching as Juarez gets out of the car.

"Good evening ladies," he greets way too cheerily for my liking. He does a once of, scanning my new attire, "I'm glad to see that Sasha could be a little helpful with the attire section."

"Just glad I finally get the chance to wear clean clothes," I answer.

"Come around ladies, we don't have all night," he indicates for us to move towards the back of the car, but I wait for Sasha to lead the way.

Once we're at the back, Sasha takes her cue, "Word has it one of Torres' men were put to rest."

"Yeah?" Juarez turns to look at her. "Where'd you hear that?"

"I've been in his gang," she deadpans. "I have connections, remember?"

"That's right," he says as if remembering.

Undercover Love - Jay HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now