9. Confusing

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Skylar POV

"We've been over this a thousand times but you just won't listen!"

From my spot at the top of the stairs I could hear Damian arguing over the phone, I had also seen him pacing around and raking his free hand through his hair in frustration.

It didn't take much to work out who he was talking to, I knew whatever was going on between them was hurting him, he wasn't happy. I couldn't for the life of me understand why she didn't trust him, if she loves him like I do that it should be the easiest thing in the world for her to do.

"I've told you there is no one else" he gasps "Yes she's staying here but that doesn't mean what you think it does! I wasn't about to let her live out of hotels, you and I both know how much that sucks and besides she is my wife, I kind of have a responsibility to her"

At that moment I felt my heart clench like something was squeezing it. That was the first time he had called me his wife, though I knew it didn't mean anything the sound of it rolling off his lips was so good.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" I hear him shout "yeah well if you feel like that maybe we should cut our losses and walk away..........oh really you love me? Well you have a fucked up way of showing it, I'm done.....I can't do this aymore"

The next thing I know his phone flies across the bottom of the stairs hitting the far wall and then I hear a very pissed of growl come from Damian. Slowly I make my way down the stairs and peer into the room the phone had come from.

Damian is stood by the fireplace, his arms wrapped around himself and his head hung. I walk over to him not even considering it might be a bad idea and reach out touching his shoulder.

He turns and all I see is the tears running down his face, and it's enough for to pull him into my arms. I gently rub his back as he sobs on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that" he says

"I'm sorry she's hurting you like this" I reply as I feel his arms wrap around my middle and him pull me closer "I know I can't make it hurt any less but I can tell you you deserve better"

"Why can't she be like you, you trust me right?" He asks

"Of course I do, you make it easy to trust you" I soothe

"You know what she said to me?" He asks pulling back a little "she said you'd done this on purpose, that you'd got Matt to get the real priest so that you could steal me from her. She said if I loved her I would never have let you stay here"

"I can leave if that will help things" I say and his eyes widen

"No, I don't want you to leave, I like having you here" he says "right now you are the only thing keeping me sane"

"D I want you to be happy but I feel like me being here is making you miserable" I sigh

"You make me happy twinkle" he says and for a moment he just looks deep into my eyes, he brow furrowed slightly as his eyes travel from mine to my lips. Slowly he moves his face closer to mine, our lips are millimeters apart when the sound of his phone stops him.

Sighing he hangs his head and shakes it "I thought for sure I'd smashed that thing. How the hell is it still working " he says moving away from me and towards the phone.

"What?" He says answer the phone, he rolls his eyes and then places his hand over the phone "I'm sorry twinkle I have to deal with this, I'll be right back"

As I watch him walk away I can't help but wonder what the fuck just happened, was he really going to kiss me? And if so why? Was it because he was upset and wanted to feel better? Had I been about to let him use me?

I was so confused right now all I knew was needed to leave before he came back. Whatever that was I couldn't let it happen, I didn't want to be just a way to feel better to him, I wanted to be more than that to him. I want him to love me the way I love him and it was driving me crazy.

Grabbing my purse and keys I head to the door but I'm stopped before I can take hold of the door handle.

"Please don't leave twinkle" he says moving my hand away from the door and turning me to face him and that's when I see he's crying again. Reaching out I cup his cheek and he leans into my touch. "I'm so confused right now, she's left me becuase she thinks I dont want her, truth is I don't know what I want and now you're trying to leave me too"

"I'm not leaving you, I just didn't want you to do something when you aren't thinking straight" I say "it wouldn't be fair to either of us"

"You're right I'm sorry twinkle" he says pulling me into his arms "can we forget it happened"

"Yes of course" I say hugging him back "you and me are fine, I promise. In time you will work out what you want and then you will be able to be happy"

"I hope so twinkle I really hope so" he sighs "becuase right now I'm confused as hell"

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