5. I Fake Do

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Skylar POV

As I take in my reflection I can't help but wish this was real, that I was really a bride and that the man waiting for me out there wanted me instead of her. Over the last month Damian and I had spent alot of time together, he had taken me to try new foods and our shared love of superhero movies had seen us visit the movies together a couple of times.

But there was a problem, I liked him.....alot. Despite knowing that I can't have him I had developed feelings for him, with every moment we spent together I found myself wishing that he would change his mind and want me instead but here we are, getting ready to get fake married so that he can marry her.

"Hey sis, you still sure you want to do this?" Matt asks

"Yeah, I said I would and I will" I sigh "it's going be hard Matt, walking away after is going to be so hard"

"That's why I was asking" he says wrapping me up in a hug "I could tell you had started to like him and I don't want to see you hurt"

"Whether it's me or someone else it will still hurt" I say fighting back tears "she doesn't deserve him, how can she love him if she won't let him be himself?"

"I don't know, I've tried to tell him he's making a mistake" he says "everyone can see he's not happy, everyone but him. I know he loves her but I don't think it's the kind of love he thinks it is"

"Let's get this over with" I say "and then I can go home"

The music starts as I approach the top of the aisle, I had chosen to walk alone since I'm not really being given away. As I start to walk towards the alter Damian turns to look at me, he smiles and I see him mouth "wow" as he watches me. When I reach him he takes hold of my hands and the priest begins the ceremony.

"Alright Damian would you like to read your vows first?" He asks

"Liv, from the second I met you I knew you were different. After just a few hours I felt like I had known you forever. You accept me as I am and I never have to worry what you think. You're not afraid to try new things and that makes me want to try them with you. I've never known anyone like you, and I don't need a fortune teller to see that it's forever with you mi amor"

When he finishes I swallow hard, I now had to say my vows and I wasn't sure if I could do it.

"Damian, you've made my whole world better just by being in it, I never thought I would ever meet someone like you but there you were like a gift sent from above. I love our adventures and experiencing new things with you, you're not just my love you're my best friend. Like you said it's forever for us and I can't wait to see what that holds"

We exchange rings under my brothers watchful gaze though I could tell he was concerned about me. We take each others hands once again as the priest finishes the ceremony.

"I know pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride" he says.

Damian steps forward, lifts my veil and smiles brightly at me. Gently he takes my face in his hands and kisses me, I hold back knowing it will be brief but when I expect him to stop he doesn't. As he keeps kissing me I succumb to him and kiss him back. For a moment it's like the world stops and it's just us.

Breaking the kiss he rests his forehead against mine and sighs, his eyes open as he moves back from me and he smiles brightly once more as he gives my hand a squeeze.

We walk up the aisle together with Matt following and once we get outside he turns to look at me.

"Thank you, Twinkle" he says "I owe you a huge one"

"You're welcome, the only thing I want in return is you to be happy" I say and he smiles before heading down the steps.

I turn to look at my brother but before I can speak arms wrap around me and lips press agaisnt my cheek "thank you again twinkle" he whispers before letting go.

I watch him walk away and at the bottom of the steps he stops and  looks back at me, if I didn't know better I'd say he didn't want to go. After a moment he turns away and leaves. At that moment my brother takes hold of my as I break, this had been way harder than I had imagined, I hadn't thought walking away would be so painful.

"Come on sis, let's get you home" he soothes "he's an idiot, he had a chance to really be happy and he walks away"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"It doesn't matter" he says "come on, there's a big tub of ice cream at my place with your name on it" he smiles

"Salted caramel brownie?" I ask and he nods

"Of course" he smiles "and whipped cream and chocolate sauce, I had a feeling you were going to need it"

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