Channel II: New Screen, New Journey

Start from the beginning

I dont mind hugging and hand holding but suffocating me isn't an option! I looked to my right to see another small kid. He seems to be a few inches shorter than me. I poked him. He seem to notice me and smiled. i seem like i didn't react to it but under the paper bag I smiled back at him. 

Jack seemed to be scolding Miko so i decided to ask the kid with glasses. "ʷʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ.. ᴺᵃᵐᵉ..ˀ" He seemed to be a bit surprised but answered anyway. "I'm Rafael Esquival. But call me Raf for short" They have last names..? I frown under my bag. So they have parents like Jack.. What about Miko? 

I turned around to see Miko and Jack having a playful fight. I pulled Miko's hand. She then looks at me "Yeah kid?" "ʷʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ʸᵒᵘʳ.. ᴺᵃᵐᵉ..ˀ" I asked the same question with Raf. "I'm Miko Nakadai! what about ya?" Before i could answer, Jack beat me to it. "His name is Mono. He doesn't have a last name which is concerning."

I looked at Raf and see him a bit in distressed. "ᴬʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃˡʳᶦᵍʰᵗ..ˀ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉᵐ.. ˢᵗʳᵉˢˢᵉᵈ.." I whispered. "o-oh me? I'm fine. do you mind staying here for a bit? I need to tell the other two something" I nodded and sat down.

I can still hear their whispers. so i decided to eavesdrop them. "Guys, we got some company near our location" Raf whisper to them. "What do you mea- Oh. Well this is bad" Miko responded. Who's here? What company?

"We better bring Mono somewhere safer than the School entrance." Jack said. Raf grabbed me hand. "follow me Mono, i wanna give you a tour in our school" He said. So they are trying to distract me from this 'company'. Miko seems to be in a call so i didn't mind following Raf.

We went inside the School. It looks clean and.. White. Very different from Pale's. We went into different classrooms. Each of them having their own teacher. there are also tall and short children here. "this is our history class" He pointed a door with a sign saying 'History' with a few doodles.

I pulled Raf's hand. "do you have a question?" "ᴴᵒʷ... ᴼˡᵈ ᵃʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ..ˀ ᴵ⁻ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ᵐ⁻ᵐᵉᵃⁿ ᵒʳ ᵘʰᵐ.. ᵃⁿʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ʲᵘˢᵗ.. ᴾᵃʳᵃⁿᵒᶦᵈ ʷᶦᵗʰ... ᵀʰᵉ ᵘʰᵐ.. ᵀᵃˡˡⁿᵉˢˢ.." I whispered to him. "oh? I'm 12, and a quarter" I sighed in relief. We continued the tour until we are at the entrance once again. "and thats kinda it of our School. This is the only School in Jasper since this is a small town and all-" Raf was cutted off by a tall ginger haired kid.

"Hey Raf! Where's that  money that i told you to pay up?!" This must be the bully Raf talked about. I stood in front of Raf in a defense position I glared at him through my paper bag eye holes. "Hah! What do you think you are? A big boy?" Yeah, after tons of loops i think i am.

"I-I don't think you should deal them alone Mono-" "Don't." I told Raf. I then found a stick. I lifted the stick with ease and threw it at the gingered hair child. He made a surprised yelp. I could see the spot where i hit him swollen. I grabs Raf's hand and ran.

Then as predicted, The gingered hair kid told the others to get me and Raf. I quickly picked up Raf and ran in full speed. This kept on for four hours until Jack came back. "hey you two!" Jack called out. "I can and will report you two for chasing after two kids here in this school so either leave them be or get reported" Jack threatened them. And it worked.

I put down Raf. I didn't break a sweat from that run! I looked at Raf to see if he is alright. Raf looked at me shocked. Is it because i ran for 4 hours without breaking a sweat? "H-how did you run for 4 hours non-stop!?" Raf almost yelled out. I winced a little. Is it bad...? Jack noticed my expression.

"You ran for 4 hours? I mean, it's not a bad thing or anything but for an eleven year old kid like you, that would need 2 sugar rushes" Oh. so thats why Raf was shocked. "What's a Sugar Rush?" I asked. in a normal volume now that i feel safe with it. "A sugar rush is were you eat too much sugar and have so much adrenaline or energy that it bursts out" Raf tried to explain it but i understood it anyway

Jack went to the motorcycle and it roars back to life again. This time i got used to it and got on. "Bye Raf, gotta get Mono home for his check up" Jack told Raf. "It's fine. see you tomorrow!" Raf said while waving his hand.

I waved back at Raf and held onto Jack.

At Jack's House..

We got home to see a car (A/n: There are a few toys in hospital [i think-] that has four wheels but please correct me if I'm wrong-) inside the... What's it called again? Garbage? Grage? I shook my head and went inside the house with Jack.

"Oh Jack! You're here just in time" An adult said. I quickly hide behind Jack. "You alright Mono?" Jack asked me with concern. "ᴬ⁻ᵃᵈᵘˡᵗ... ᴮᵃᵈ..." I whispered. "My mom isn't that bad" Jack tried to assure me his Adult is not bad.

I peeked my head to see the Adult having a gentle smile and.. normal face? She isn't like the other adults that I've met. Maybe I should trust her for now. I slowly walked over to Jack's 'mother'. being cautious just incase she attacks. But she didn't attack.

I quickly hugged Jack's mother and sobbed. It's been so long since I had hugged someone tall. Jack's mother patted my back as I sobbed.

A few minutes later, Jack's pov

"I guess he fell asleep" my Mom said. I carried Mono carefully and placed him on the couch. "He mentioned about Adults being bad.. Do you think he was..?" "He didn't have any scars or any abusive injuries when he came closer to me. So its not from his parents." Mom answered. "But if he's scared of adults, then it must be from other people that aren't related to his parents" I thought about it.

"It could be. For now we should treat Mono like a normal kid" Mom said. We then ate dinner, waiting for the kid to wake up but seems to be fast asleep until tomorrow. "I'm gonna go to sleep mom, goodnight" I said to my Mom before putting a blanket on Mono. I then went to my room to sleep.

Just what kind of trauma Mono had to go through?


- Author Yachii

Just know that this was in drafts for a long time.

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