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Yes, that image is official. (It's from the Dr. STONE novel)

Japanese Vocab: Ikemen - a word describing a good-looking guy. (Like Gojo, Sebastian, Dazai, etc...)

April 22nd, year 5738

Ishigami Senku.

He was a pretty famous student in your high school. Although you never personally spoke to him, you have heard many rumors of him. Sure, the unique hair resembling a certain vegetable was a part of him standing out, but probably the most notable rumor of him was his love and passion for science. He was one of the most unusual but talked about subjects of the school.

It was like he was a fictional character. Looks, brain, passion, everything was just so...over-the-top. Senku was one of those people who you never would've interacted with (by choice) in your whole lifetime. But here you were, in front of him... almost naked.




You both stop what you are doing, looking at each other in disbelief.

Both just stare at each other for about 10 seconds, and you two finally realize that the thing in front of you is a person.

The genius prodigy immediately got hold of himself and came walking towards you with a serious face. Only after a few seconds, he was in right front of you, barely a foot away.

In a deep voice, he chuckles, "...I never expected to meet a fellow human this soon."--He gets up and walks towards you--"Lemme get straight to the point here. Who are you, where were you when you got revived, and how did you revive from the petrification?" His eyes were wide open, showing his morbidly curious nature.

𝘔𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭.

You could feel your soul leaving your body. As much as you trash on 3d men, if you interacted with them for more than a second, let alone an ikemen, you would probably melt and turn into slime. Preferably a cute one.

Noticing yourself getting too flustered, you compose yourself by thinking of your favorite anime character.

It's fine. He was just an ordinary 3d guy...that has very pretty face. There is no way he could compare to the 2d standards. Although he fits most of them...

"WhOA whoa, you're...a little close there. I'll answer the question once you get a little further away from me."

"Oh?...oh..my bad. I'll ask slowly then. How did you revive from the petrification? Was there a cave near you where you first revived?"

A cave?

Ignoring how close he still is, you try to recall your memories to answer his Q&A.

"...Uhh, do you mind explaining to me what around the cave looked like?"

You back off, avoiding eye contact.

"It has a medium-sized entrance, about 2.5 meters in height, and inside there's a big nest of bats with a pot storing nitric acid from them below."

A cave with a medium-sized entrance. Once again you try to remember, now with details, but no matter how much you thought back, you couldn't remember a cave.

If you were being honest, you didn't consider what your surroundings looked like because of a certain pesky fairy. Who can blame you? It's not like you were a genius. Plus, if there was a cave like that you should've remembered something about it.

"...Sorry, I'm not...so sure."

"...Hmm ok. Well, second question. Who are you...wait... never mind. I think I know your face."

𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘀 [Dr. Stone x reader]Where stories live. Discover now