[ My Lover ]

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Warning!!!: Suicide, mention of blood.
Do not read this story if you can get triggered by the things that i've mentioned.

Story is a mix of Naruto world and modern world. My OC is not a ninja so she doesn't have any ninja ability.

Enjoy the story, i hope you like it!🤍

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In a garden that is familiar to her, Natsuki walked while looking at the flowers grow in the garden. Not long after, a silver-haired man with a mask covering half of his lower face came to that garden. He saw the girl, and he walked over to her.

"Natsuki", he called her.

The girl looked towards the voice calling her and smiled when she saw Kakashi.

"Oh, Kakashi!", she replied with a big smile engraved on her face.

They talked about anything that came to their mind, until finally Natsuki asked Kakashi,

"Do you have any type of girl to be a girlfriend?"

"Hmm? Ah no. As long as she can make me comfortable and love me, I don't have any problem", Kakashi answered to her question.

Natsuki who had feelings for Kakashi felt that she still had some hopes because Kakashi didn't have any physical preference to be his girlfriend.

They continued to talk about their life stories until finally Natsuki told the sadness she was experiencing recently. Kakashi who saw her also felt sad, his heart ached to see his best friend sad. Kakashi hugged her smaller body and comforted her with words, because he remembered that she was happy when she got soothing and comforting words.
Natsuki then smiled and said...

"Ah, surely the one who will become your girlfriend will be very lucky. You are so kind and your hug is warm, it makes me comfortable", she chuckled a little.

Kakashi replied to her chuckle and said

"Hmm. My girlriend also said that i'm a kind hearted person, and i'm like a teddy bear because my hug is warm."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Natsuki felt her heart shatter into pieces, she immediately let go of her arms and looked at Kakashi's face.

"Kakashi? If you already have a girlfriend we shouldn't be hugging like that," said Natsuki, feeling irritated and sad.

Kakashi felt guilty and apologized, but she turned away and turned her back on Kakashi.

"I'm sad..", said Natsuki while trying to hold back her tears.

"Natsuki? What happen to you?" Asked Kakashi feeling guilty.

"The person I love already has a girlfriend," she answered his question.

Kakashi felt sad and tried comfort her.

"Don't worry, you will also get a good boyfriend who loves you", said Kakashi.

"I don't know if I will be able to forget him or not. I've loved him for years," said Natsuki while she started to cry.

"For now it must be hard, but surely slowly you can forget about him and be happy with the others," said Kakashi wisely.

"Kakashi..." she called him.


"I.. I.. I.." Natsuki stuttered, trying to tell what her heart felt.

"The person I talk about is you. I love you," she continued her words.

Kakashi was shocked and didn't expect it, making himself stunned to see her who was running away from him. She ran towards the trees, much like a forest. Kakashi was still shocked by the words she told him. He felt guilty for making her cried but what else could he do, he really loved his current girlfriend.
Not long after she ran into the forest, a woman's scream was heard from there. Her voice is similar to Natsuki's voice. Kakashi immediately realized and ran towards that place.

My Universe || Kakashi Hatake x OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat