twenty-three ~ after his parents wanted to meet me

Start from the beginning

I nodded, and she joined the group that was surrounding Dahlia's car. When Dahlia saw me, she smiled, mouthing, "have fun". I laughed, mouthing back, "you too".

Rhys texted me that he was still on his way, so I assumed I still had some time. When a familiar motorcycle caught my eye, instead of staying where I was, I practically gravitated toward it, greeting the girl with the dark brown curls and highlights, whose eyes were glued to her phone. She still wore her classic leather jacket and combat boots that she wears everywhere. As always, she naturally radiated her confidence and her "don't mess with me" vibe.


She looked to see me, a smile crossing her face. "Hey, long time no see."

"I actually see you all the time when your motorcycle wakes up the whole neighborhood."

She lives down the street from me. It made hanging out with her much easier back in middle school, but now we only talk once in a while. I'd still consider her one of my best friends, though. She knows parts of me that nobody at this school knows about me, not even Dahlia.

"What are you up to?" I asked her.

"I'm just waiting for Em," she told me.

Emily, or Em, is her "friend". Who doesn't really act like her friend.

"Angie!" I heard her voice from behind me and moved out of the way. Her layered bright blonde hair with colorful streaks blew in the wind as she jumped into Angie's arms, kissing her passionately.

That happens. Often. But they're "just friends".

Honestly, I really liked Emily before. I wanted Angie and her to end up together, but that was until they actually tried dating and Emily cheated on her. Like, two weeks later. I'm not sure how the breakup went down, but it probably ended well if they can still be... friends? Fuck buddies? Not really sure at this point.

Whatever hope I had that they would be happy together died the moment I-- and a whole group of people-- saw Emily kissing some other girl at a party. I want Angie to be happy, and I honestly don't think Emily is the way to go anymore, but it's none of my business. Angie seems okay with whatever their arrangement is right now, and I shouldn't interfere.

"Oh, hey Braylee," she greeted me once she got her hands off Angie. "Didn't see you there."

I grimaced slightly, but I hid it. "Nice to see you, Emily."

Her smile faltered. She doesn't like being called Emily the same way I didn't like to be called Braylee for a long time. I use it to my advantage.

"I should get going," I said.

"Oh, do you need a ride?" Angie asked hopefully.

My eyebrows stitched together, confused, but she gave me a look telling me not to ask. She knows I hate riding on her motorcycle because it scares me. And I assumed that she wanted to give Emily a ride.

"Um, I have a ride actually."


"It's this guy I've been hanging out with," I told her. "He was actually the host of the party I invited you to."

"The blond guy you were talking to?" she laughed slightly. "The hot one?"

"Yeah," I giggled. "That one."

I could feel the tension rising with Emily's jealous stares alternating between us, so I was about to utter some excuse to get out of there, but Angie's eyes were pleading with me not to leave. I'm not sure why.

"Hey guys," a friendly voice came up to us, his dimpled smile being covered in faded freckles with his brown hair shining in the sunlight.

"Hey, Carter," I smiled at him.

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