~Chapter 4~ "Make amends"

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Raspberry cookie sat in the bathtub, hoping that a well earned soak in the luxurious white dove bathtub would put the 'Intruder incident' behind her for now. When she was finished and dressed in a long sleeved nightgown, Raspberry cookie decided to go outside to take in the royal garden before resting for tomorrow, she would train harder until her energy could hold her no longer. When she got to the outside and sat down on a wooden bench, Raspberry cookie inhaled slow and deep in through her mouth, held her breath for afew moments before exhaling long until she was fully calm. She closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her as if to listen for a specific sound, birds chirping to eachother, wind flowing colder and colder by the second; It was as if nothing could ruin this peaceful moment. "Hey pretty, remember me?" A high voiced asked from behind Raspberry cookie, as if to not grab attention at front, Raspberry turnt around, standing from the bench and posturing herself to a fighting stance to be ready for an 'incase fight'. "Who are you? Are you that intruder who nearly killed my sister in ice cold blood?" Raspberry cookie asked, determined to take down the possible threat like a falcon ready for ambush, like a bird ready to eat a worm from the earth. "Oh don't worry sweets, I'm not here for a duel, I'm here for a little. . . . . Catch." The woman replied, her one eye were all hot pink and cyan star pupil staring into Raspberry's soul like she was after it, an eyepatch covering one of the eyes as if it was injured in a past fight. The woman came closer, walking to Raspberry cookie so closely, it felt like she would press her lips onto Raspberry's. "Heard of personal space perhaps or have you no manners?" Raspberry asked with an attitude of a rebellion, a hand on a hip to show her dominant and loyal personality; She felt if she made one mistake, she would be engaged in a duel here and there. "So, what's the catch? You want me to give you money? Want me to do bounties?" Raspberry cookie asked still confident in herself, the two women began to walk in circles while facing eachother incase the other attempted a fight, Raspberry staring daggers into the intruder's while the intruder stared slyly at her like she was planning something. "Nah, none of those, the catch is that I wanna say sorry for nearly blowing your sister's brains everywhere. So I came back to give you this." The woman said as she pulled out a gift box that had shining rose wrapping paper, messingly taped together as if it was put together in a hurry. Nonetheless, Raspberry cookie reached her hands out to take it from the woman's; Her hands trembled but not as much. "T-Thank you. . . . Miss 'Twizzly Gummy cookie' is it?" "Yeah it is, and you are. . . ?" The woman asked as she interrupted by putting a finger to Raspberry's lips, signalling her to not speak until she could speak. "Raspberry cookie, daughter of Jungleberry cookie and Royalberry cookie, desendant and protector of House Raspberry and the hollyberry kingdom." She answered while staring down her possible opponent, her hands were turnt to fists ready to strike, her teeth clenched with each other as if to be ready to bite and her eyes narrowed and narrowed further like an owl's look.

Raspberry cookie pulled her hands back as she clenched them, her instincts were as if she was in danger

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Raspberry cookie pulled her hands back as she clenched them, her instincts were as if she was in danger. "I guess I'll make it clear, I wanna make amends with you, I wanna be your ally or. . . Maybe something else than 'Allies'. . . ~?" Twizzly Gummy cookie suggested in a sensual type of voice as if to manipulate and seduce Raspberry, She rolled her eyes in disbelief and finally replied with a scoff. "Fine, we can make amends. . ." Right after she was pulled into a tight hug, her bones nearly shattering to dust like glass shards. She winced at the tightness. "Thanks, well, I'll see ya tomorrow 'Hot stuff'~." Twizzly Gummy cookie said as she walked to a nearby wall, climbed on before saying her goodbyes and running off to the wilderness. Raspberry cookie sighed, picked the gift box up and went inside. When she reached her bedroom and shut the door, she threw herself onto the bed and decided to open the gift, She hoped it wasn't a bomb or a threatening message. "What is this?" She thought when she found it, it was a single half-wilted rose, it's ruby petals were falling from the stem, it's thorns still not trimmed off nearly making Raspberry cookie prick her finger. "I guess she wants to try the 'romantic relationship' with me, I may as well give her a chance, I know she attacked my home but I must forgive her." Raspberry cookie said to herself as she put the rose in a vase and stared into space with it, she was lost in thought and wouldn't stop thinking of this 'Twizzly Gummy cookie'. For a few days she would give this girl a chance, but if she ever attacked her family again, Raspberry cookie would be sure to slaughter her for it.

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