That was one of the good things about having money. No one can judge you because they all want to be you after all.

When you have it all you're better than all of them.

At Least that was Bakugo's view on it.

The omega usually had everything handed to him on a silver platter and working was the last thing on his mind.

Well until now and as much as fucking hated the thought of being surrounded by drunk extras it was better than working a shitty fast food job.

The omega drinked the last of his coffee and set the empty cup down on the table then narrowed his eyes at the boy sitting across from him.

"You won't tell a damn soul about this will you?"

Kaminari quickly shook his head. "Of course not. As long as you don't tell anyone about me.."

The omega had no reason not to believe him after all. He knew the beta since his first year in highschool and the only harm the beta could do is never shut the fuck up so he'd just have to hope and pray that no one from their college recognized him..

His lip twitched as he had to force the words out.

"When can I start?.

It was a Thursday afternoon and as usual in deku's agency everyone was working hard and the now 30-year old Izuku was hidden away in his office taking care of paperwork which was nothing out of ordinary for the man as he was always a hard worker and his agency was the proof of working hard to his dreams along with him being the  number one hero of course.

But today was his birthday and Mina had decided to stop by since she knew that the man would be locked away in his office so she decided to drop by and try to convince him to get out.

"C'mon izuku! You've been working your ass off, you need a break'' Mina whined as she sat down at the end of Midoryia's desk.

Izuku sighed and looked up from his paperwork and took off his reading glasses to wipe them with his shirt before putting them back on.

"I have to get this done before Monday and I can't throw this onto my sidekicks. They already have enough work to do."

Mina rolled her eyes and leaned over and snatched the papers that Izuku had been reading off his desk, earning a tired sigh from the alpha.

"Mina.. please. I have work to do and-

"C'mon! You're just married to your work at this point and besides It's your birthday anyway. Why are you even spending it working? You're the only person that I know would do such a thing" she hopped off the desk and saved the stack of papers in her hand. "This isn't going anywhere. You need a break and I know the best way you can spend your birthday"

Midoriya knew that mina wasn't going to give up so he decided he would just indulge in mina's plan not like he had much of a choice really. The girl would always try to drag him out to a party or out to eat ever since they attended u.a back then.

"Okay okay. What do you have in mind?" He stood up and ran his fingers through his hair as a little smirk came onto Mina's face after hearing his question.

"It's a surprise".


Bakugo's mouth twitched as the drunk man pulled him closer, letting the omega get a whiff of the alcohol that he was drinking earlier that still lingered on his breath.

The omega groaned and squirmed out of the sleeping man's grasp and crawled out of the bed leaving the sleeping man in bed and grabbed his outfit that was laying on the floor.

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