"Me too my love, me too I love you, with all my heart I love you" Whispered Jasmine tenderly, hugging her face tenderly and lovingly against her husband's

Finally a few minutes later, Jasmine had finished breastfeeding Tahina and placed her tenderly and delicately in her cradle

"Sweet dreams, sweetheart" Whispered Jasmine tenderly, kissing her baby tenderly on the cheek

Smiling fondly and lying on their bed, Dally watched his wife and baby with love, tenderness and devotion

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly turned her gaze to her Dally, looking at him with love and tenderness and smiling tenderly and lovingly at him

Smiling tenderly and looking at her with love and tenderness, Dally tenderly and lovingly extended then his hand to his Jasmine

Jasmine, smiling tenderly, tenderly gave then her hand to her Dally and he drew her tenderly and lovingly against him on their bed

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine cuddled tenderly and lovingly against her husband as he tenderly and lovingly wrapped his arms around her, tenderly and lovingly kissing her forehead and tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair

Jasmine smiled softly

"I have something for you, my little angel" Whispered Dally tenderly and lovingly against his wife's forehead, still tenderly and lovingly stroking her beautiful black hair

"Really, what it is ?" Asked Jasmine tenderly and curiously, smiling fondly

Smiling tenderly, Dally kissed his Jasmine tenderly and lovingly before sitting up and rummaging through his bedside table

Jasmine looked then at her husband curiously and tenderly, tenderly sitting up on their bed

"I wanted to give it to you tomorrow but since we're already awake ..." Dally turned tenderly to his wife, tenderly handing her a small black box "Here my little angel, this is for you

- Thank you my love" Smiled tenderly Jasmine, tenderly taking the little black box in her hands

Moved and with tears in her eyes, the young girl discovered then inside a magnificent T-shaped charm

"Oh Dal, it's gorgeous ..." Whispered Jasmine tenderly, gently brushing the charm with her fingertips

"It's for your bracelet, you just needed a T for Tahina, you like it my little angel ?" Asked Dally tenderly, tenderly and lovingly stroking his Jasmine's cheek and beautiful black hair and looking at her with love and tenderness

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine nodded tenderly

"It's magnificent, I adore it, thank you my love" Tenderly and lovingly, Jasmine kissed then her Dally

Smiling tenderly into the kiss, Dally still tenderly and lovingly caressed his wife's cheek and beautiful black hair

"I'm glad you like it my little angel" Smiled Dally tenderly "I'll help you put it on my princess"

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now