From the moment Wanda and Natasha laid eyes on her, they immediately fell under her spell. Evangelina had that affect on all her mates, but especially the two woman.

It was like every time they saw her, their hearts clenched from how painfully blissful she made them feel. Evangelina was more and everything then they could've desired for their last mate. They couldn't be more grateful.

'We should probably stop staring at her' Wanda said. 'Its hard not too' Natasha spoke back. 'True. But she might think we're creeps' The witch giggled out. 'Only for her' the assassin told. 'That's weirdly sweet of you Nat.'

Both laughed gently at that, knowing how weird they sounded. Sighing, they continued on with their plan. Although not before placing a tender kiss to her forehead. Flutters igniting in their stomachs as it always does when they they touch her.

Gathering items out of her room, they placed it all into bags. Sneaking out quietly, Steve and Bucky grabbed the luggage. Making their way back into her room, Wanda quickly ran and jumped onto her bed giggling. Natasha smiled at that and walked over and sat onto it as well.

Brushing her check, "Wake-up sweetheart" Wanda said gently. Evangelina groaned, turning onto her back still groggy. "Best way to wake up too" she mumbled out. "What do you mean baby?" Natasha said. "My two beautiful mates"

Smiling wildly at that, their hearts warmed at the compliment. "Let's go sweetheart, we have a big day planned ahead." Wanda told her. Rubbing her eyes, she slowly got up and started getting ready.

Quickly she got into the shower, and got dressed into sweats. Natasha had told her to do light makeup, while Wanda did her hair.

Thankfully, Evangelina had not been suspicious or asked questions to what these plans were. She was adorably oblivious to it all, which made it all the better.

Finishing up, Wanda grabbed her hand dragging her out into the main room. All her mates awaited together and she greeted each of them. "Morning little angel. We got to get going now, you ready?" Tony asked, she nodded in response.

Evangelina didn't bother asking what they were doing or where they were going. If she wanted too, she could've gone into their mind. But she didn't. The blonde could tell they wanted it to be a surprise, and she wasn't going to ruin it.

Hurrying to the Quinn-Jet, they made there way. Making small talk throughout the flight. It wasn't too long, maybe over two hours until they finally landed.

Getting out of the Jet, she gasped as she took the surroundings in. It was absolutely amazing. In front of her stood a cabin, with a beautiful lake ahead of it. Glancing she saw fields filled with flowers. Gasping,

"Oh my, it's stunning. Truly breathtaking" Evangelina said. "As are you princessa" Pietro spoke, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Tony bought this cabin for us. Well, more specifically you. A place where we could all in in peace one day after we retire. To grow old together with our family" Steve stated.

Their smiles grew widely, "It's perfect." she said. Her eyes glossed with tears, "I know angel, I did pick it after all" Tony said smugly. He wouldn't admit it, but the fact that she liked it meant everything to him.

Following Tony into the house, she admired the interior of it. "Wanda, show angel her room" Tony stated, winking weirdly towards everybody. Evangelina noticed that, but brushed it off. Turning, she saw Peter and it looked as if he was about to spew something out however, she was dragged away.

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