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                  I woke up at 6:00 am 1 hour before my daily premonition, just like I do every day. Each day I brush my teeth, I eat my breakfast, I take my shower, and I kiss my wife and daughter before heading to daycare and tell them I love them no matter what I do. Just in case things take a turn for the worse. In this world there is no freedom, no running from your future, from your premonition.

                  Me and everyone on the face of the earth has them, always at 7 am on the dot, a random event that will happen in the future is shown to us. Sometimes you only see a second into your future. Some people see how all 24 hours of their day will go, but everyone sees it and no one can change it, no matter how hard we fight.

                  Last year my best friend saw a vision of him streaking across a baseball field and he did everything he could to stop himself. He put on 4 winter coats, he chained himself to his bed, he hired people to keep 24/7 surveillance of him, and make sure nothing led to him exposing himself in front of thousands. Naturally they robbed him blind as soon as he was chained, taking everything in the house and accidentally leaving the door open, as well as dropping some of the items on the road. Naturally a very burly Good Samaritan stopped by to check on the dude that nearly crucified himself. "DON'T YOU TOUCH ME DON'T YOU TOUCH ME" he screamed as the man pulled out some bolt cutters and freed him. "I'm not sure what freaky kind of Stuff you're into and I wont judge but you should get out more" the man said as he erupted into laughter, smacking my friend in the back, right out the door into a truck carrying a species of of extremely aggressive moths rolled over some of the items the robbers dropped, opening the door to the vehicle. My friend slammed into the back of the truck surrounded by hungry moths as an employee hopped out of the truck and locked the door "Watch out for any more random street trash, we need to get these moths to the baseball game pronto," My friend heard in the calm before the storm. "These moths are the mascot of our star baseball team, the Tinea Pellionella" My friend screamed in frustration as the moths descended upon him, ripping and tearing at his clothes until they're was nothing left. As soon as the truck was opened on live television for the entrance of the pellionellas My friend took off in desperation to find a towel or something and the whole world watched.

                       You can't defeat it. You can't run so when I witnessed my family fading from my arms and my home consumed by a white light as the world as I knew it faded away I didn't flinch it seemed like reality was being blotted out. Everything around me was disappearing, being consumed by a white emptiness that left nothing in its wake And just like that it was over. I brushed my teeth, I ate my breakfast, I took my shower, and I kissed my wife and daughter and left, leaving my house a damned man.

                    I hopped in my car, and blasted the radio, singing along on my way to my work. I stopped at the light as a crazy man ran across the street, cutting off some other cars, screaming "I don't want to traumatize children! I am a good person, I don't care what some stupid premonition says!" We truly live in a world without freedom, our only comfort being the fact that we are in this together. I drove past the man as he wandered off. Another man was shouting about how he would be late for some important job, he had a large turquoise suit with shielded pads on, it really caught the eye to say the least. I eventually made my way to work. I'm a news casting coordinator, whatever the hell that means. I work in a giant news tower, but usually just sit around playing snake on my computer and collect a fat check every Friday, Perks of being a friend of my boss, Percy.

                  "What's going on Moth Man!" I playfully said to my boss. If you're wondering, yes he's the same one that streaked across the baseball field. He was cleaned up and forgiven after his brain was analyzed for the premonition. "Didn't I tell you to stop talking about that!?" We had a hearty laugh about it, "Get anything good today?" He asked. "No, not really." I lied, "How about you?" I asked. "Not much, just got a glimpse of some dude laughing and then everything goes white, seems like a nice guy, anyway, be on the lookout for a man with a large turquoise suit on, he said he had an incredibly important premonition to put on the airwaves." Percy said, as he was leaving. "Everything goes white huh... wait where are you going?" I asked "I'm doing a report on the way children perceive premonitions, and how it relates to negative premonitions like mine. Honesty streaking at that baseball game was the best thing that ever happened to me, it's the only reason I got so popular! I was Born to play the victim role!" He exclaimed with a wink as he headed out with a camera man.

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