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Rays of sunlight light up the room. Gyuvin eyes snapped open with the familiar view. He sees Yujin is already awake and is greeting him with those shy smile, his hair slightly disheveled.

His heart skips a beat at the sight, he still cannot put these thoughts aside. But still he ignores those feelings in his chest. He has gotten used to it after all.

Yujin plays with a strand of Gyuvin hair, noticing the sudden radiating heat from him.

" You got a fever!" Yujin confirmed it by measuring it with the back of his hand.

The younger keep a distance between them. " Stay awayy. "

But Gyuvin never listens his hand squish those flushed cheeks.

" No wonder your cheeks is so red. " Yujin sparkling eyes never fails to make Gyuvin inside keep in his place.

Gyuvin hold the younger by his waist, bringing them closer. He closed their proximity by leaning his head on Yujin shoulder. The younger toes curled as he feels Gyuvin hot breath against his.

" Hyung I- I think that t- too close... " Yujin shut his eyes tight.

" Hmmm "

Gyuvin hoarse voice literally gives him butterflies. While Yujin face is blushing madly, he bit his lips trying to calm down. This is not the time to think about it! He struggles to get out from Gyuvin grip but damn he is too strong.

It took a while for Yujin to loosen up. He waits for Gyuvin but there is no attempt that he is going to let the younger go.

The other well built body is shivering, his cheeks become redder than usual, skin pale. Not to mention that he can also feel his chest inhales and exhales.

He never witnessed to see Gyuvin in this state. Usually he will be teasing others and laughing hysterically but now he is like a kid.

" Gyuvin hyung? "

" My Yujinnie "

There is it again.


Yujin thought that maybe he could ask Gyuvin about this. He is not in his best state so maybe will forget about it.

" Who is Yujinnie? "

The younger can feel Gyuvin snuggle closer.

" Mmm my Yujinnie. "

No way. He must be referring to his idol right?

" Is she one of the ive members that you told me about? "

Gyuvin almost in state to doze off.

Yujin pout, this is not gonna work.

" Mmm chocho-chocolate chicken soup... " He hears Gyuvin mumbling.

" You want chocolate chicken soup? " Yujin holding his laugh.

Gyuvin nod slowly, automatically brushed his hair against Yujin neck.

" Hehe t- tickles! Okay, okay I made it for you. Let me go first. "

The other tilt his head. His tired eyes on contact with the younger sparkling one.

" Promise you will be back? "

" How can I make one for you when I can't even get up? " Gyuvin arm around him loosening, he get up and head towards the kitchen.

" Hahh it feels suffocating in there. "

Yujin take his phone and quickly type recipe for chicken soup. Alongside with that, he made the older hot chocolate.

" Chocolate chicken soup? He is so cute. " Yujin giggles.

While he is on it, someone interrupts his thoughts.

" Yujin. "

Yujin avert his gaze to the person.

" Mom! " A woman with a ponytail with white blouse and a thin makeup hug him.

" What are you doing dear, early in the morning? " She ruffle his hair slightly.

" No no not my hair! "

" Hehehe okay, so who is this for? Gyuvin usually eat this. "

" It's for him. He got a fever. "

Mrs Han hands on her mouth, " Really? Take care of him, yeah? I need to go to your brother. "

" Huh? What did he do this time? " Yujin take a spoon of the soup. Then add some salt balancing the taste.

" Don't let me start about him. He splashes the Chinese ink on his teacher! " Mrs Han massage her temple lightly.

Yujin chuckles. " I'm the same as him when I'm at his age. "

" I don't recall you being like that when you are sixteen. This is the fifth time! " She stand up after had a drink. " Sorry dear but I have to go. And about the broken vase, it's fine. Let him know latter. " Mrs Han rushing outside.

Then Yujin phone ringing.

" Hello? "

He hears the other side is panting heavily. As if the other is catching his breath.

" Hah- hah hyung! Did mom know? "

" Yeah. " Yujin calmly replied while put the bowl and a mug on the tray. He knows that Hus brother is smart enough.

" Dude, your left! "

Another shouting voice is heard.

" Shit! Bye hyung, unlocked doors for me! "

" Yun- " The other left him hanging on the phone, which Yujin had expected.

Carrying the tray carefully, he goes to his brother's room, making sure the glass window and door unlocked. After that he enters his room. Gyuvin is in his sleeping position, lays like a tuna.

Yujin sits on the edge of his bed. He pat on Gyuvin back.

" Wake up. "

No response.

" Your favorite chocolate chicken soup is here. "

Gyuvin jolts up. But seeing that it is actually hot chocolate and chicken soup, he put his head on Yujin lap and lay back down.

" That is not chocolate chicken soup! " He whine like a kid.

" There is no such dish like that. "

The older legs kicking the air.

" But I want it. Yujinnie I'm hungry..."

" Okay let's eat this first, then I will make you the real one. "

" Deal. "

The younger help Gyuvin by feeding him. He is like a whole different person because he has been more clingy than ever.

As Yujin feeding Gyuvin, they are done and he is ready to bring the tray outside. Gyuvin held his wrist, signaling him to sit down.

" Need anything? "

" It's cold. " Gyuvin rubs his head, snuggling closer into Yujin.

Yujin gets a yellow strip sock from a drawer then sits on his bed to help him wear his socks.

He folds the older pyjamas, stopped when discover something. A burn mark on Gyuvin ankle.

" Bin - Yubin? "

Yujin only sees the next way to confirm it. Those gray spots scattered on Gyuvin wrist. If he tries on just once, then it's confirmed.

" Really? I don't know how to do this! "

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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