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He tipped toes, bringing the cake and putting it inside the refrigerator quietly. After making sure that no one sees his action, he heading to Gyungmi room.

The sight makes the corner of his lips raised.

There, Gyungmi sleeps with on top of Yujin that is in a deep slumber by hugging him like a pillow.

Gyuvin places his hand on top of her forehead, realizing that her condition is getting better.

" Yujin jje, wake up. "

Yujin yawning first and seems confused.

" Wanna sleepover? "

" Hm? Huwarghh sure. "

" Let's go and wash up at my room."

" But I'm sleepy... "

Yujin is quite cute when he is sleepy.

Had no other choice, Gyuvin piggyback him and bring him into his room. Then he rushed Yujin to take a shower and prepared his small sized clothes. Another quilt and extra pillow taken out for him to let Yujin sleep at his bed.

" Are you sleeping down there? "

" Yeah. "

" Is that even comfortable? Your back might hurt."

" It's fine. "

" No it's not, come and sleep upside. "

As flash as lighting Gyuvin gets up into his bed beside Yujin.

" Yujin jje! " He squishes Yujin cheek.

" Why are you mad before going training earlier? "

The older brows knit together, confused. " It's nothing. Jealous that Gyungmi likes you more than me."

" Hyung, your red spots appear! " Yujin catch him off guard as he squish his cheeks earlier.

" So you can see your soulmate's memory already?" he asks excitedly.

" Of course, he's the sweetest person ever! " Gyuvin suddenly hugged Yujin tightly and put his head on the crook of his neck. Even so, Yujin is small compared to him.

" Cool! Happy for you hyung. Finally you got someone for yourself." Yujin pat his back in a circling manner.

After a while, Gyuvin let him go and stared deeply into those brown eyes. As if he is mesmerized by them.

The younger didn't notice that their position went too close than ever, maybe he's becoming at ease that he didn't mind.

" Is your soulmate pretty? "

" Very. "

" Hyung are you alright? "

Yujin swear he saw the older eyes  looking down and the corner of his lips slightly pulling down.

" Let's sleep, you got birthday party to catch up tomorrow."

Whenever they are little, Gyuvin always give hugs to Yujin so he wouldn't matter the older action and let them be.

He embrace the smaller one and gives him a peck on the top of his head.

It makes Yujin hiding his face in his chest.

" Seriously, you need to cut that flirty action of yours. "

Gyuvin chuckles, " It's called practicing for the future! "

Then he feels the smaller one smack his head from the back.

" Do it with your soulmate then. "

" Sorry Yujin jje hehe! Okay now sleep. " He says, avoiding the younger eyes.

" Hmm "

Yujin cannot sleep a bit. He play with Gyuvin soft hair and lifted up his head, eyes observing the latter.

He really is good looking. His smile, gosh.

" Aaa hyung! " Yujin screamed with laughter as Gyuvin tickled him.

" Still cannot sleep? Usually you are the one that fast asleep. "

Yujin pout, " How can I? "

" Wait. " Gyuvin jolts then jumps out of his bed and comes with a moon portable night light in his hands.

" Happy birthday Yujin jje! "

Yujin is wide eyed, look down and  the night light changes hands.

It is white in colour, but if he taps twice, the color can change into  7 different colors.

" So you remember? Thank you  hyungg. " He neck hugged Gyuvin.

" Yaa we have known for years. "

Yujin looks up the clock on the table that shows it's already past midnight.

" Yours is really lucky to have you, hyung. "

He hummed.

" If your soulmate ever bothers you, you can always get back to me, alright? " Gyuvin squishs that favorite cheeks.

" I know that you will always fight for me. "

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