Part 29

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Diana, Sirius and James jumped out of the carriage and bolted to the train. On the the way to the station, they had been bickering about who would sit by the window and they hadn't come to a conclusion.

So, what do you do then? Fight for it of course. "Oh for Godrics sake. Sirius and James do quidditch every week and Diana still manages to beat them in running." Remus commented.

"Well, Moony. Running and Quidditch are two different things." Peter looked up at his very tall friend. "Yes, but you'd think they'd have good stamina, yet they are already falling back."

Remus and Peter where calmly making their way to the train and when they entered their compartment, a panting Diana and James sat by the window seats.

"Potters for the win!" James cheered as he high-fived his younger sister. "Diana always says that we're like children and here she is, battening for a window seat." Remus laughs and Diana glares at him.

"Oh, please, Rem. You almost cried last week when you found out James and Sirius ate all of your chocolate." She commented and he stuck out his tongue.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the only mature one here." Peter lays his head back as if exhausted and Diana laughs while the other boys protested.

Diana sat with them for an hour until she eventually left. "I'm heading to the girls, see you in a bit!" She waved and Sirius happily claimed the window seat as the others said goodbye.

Diana heard cussing and whining as she entered the compartment of the girls. "What's going on here?" She asked. She noticed Marlene with a hand over her eyes, she being the one whining and cussing.

Lily said something along the lines of 'I told you so', Alice looked extremely concerned and Mary was muttering 'fuck' over and over again.

"Someone please explain." Diana said and Alice noticed her. "Oh, Diana, you're here- well, Mary kind of almost stabbed Marlene's eye out with an eyeliner." She said.

"Excuse me?" Diana raised her eyebrows. "I told them that applying makeup on a train would be dangerous but no, 'Marlene managed to do it in Diana's first year, I'll manage it now, nothing is going to happen' and look where we are now." She sighed in disapproval.

"Marlene, I'm so sorry, are you alright?" Mary pried Marlene hands away from her eyes. "Marls, open your eyes." Diana said walking into the compartment and bending to Marlene's sitting level.

Marlene slowly opened her eye and it was extremely red and swollen, there was even some black in there. "Oh Godric- Mary, give me the cotton swabs." Diana stuck out her hand.

"Oh- no, get that away from me." Marlene pried back and Diana could Lily say  "again with the sticks and the eyes? Honestly Diana!"

"I need to get the eyeliner out, Marlene, just calm down." She said, standing up and tilting Marlene's head up by her chin.

"That's hot." Marlene grinned. "No time for jokes, Marls." Diana said. "Keep your eye wide open." She instructed.

Marlene tried, yet it didn't work. Diana put her thumb and index finger under and above Marlene's eye, slightly widening it.

She carefully removed the eyeliner and occasionally wiped away tears on Marlene's face.

She took a step closer, now standing between Marlene's legs. "Still hot." Marlene joked and Diana rolled her eyes. "You're wishing I was Cas right now." She said.

That made Marlene shut up as now her cheeks matched the colour of her eye. "Your happy your eye isn't bleeding or that you aren't blinded." Diana stepped away, throwing the used cotton swabs away in the tiny garbage can.

"In my defence, Mary is the one that said my eyeliner was smudged." She said and Diana rolled her eyes. "Maybe you'll need some ice or something..." she bit her lip slightly.

"Come, Marlene, I'll go fetch some ice with you." Lily said and Mary stood up. "I'll come, it's my fault anyway." She said and the three of them left.

"How do we put up with them?" She asked Alice who shrugged. "I have no idea." She chuckled.

Diana sat down and laid her head back. "So, how do you suppose your exams went?" She asked. "Oh, I think Herbology went great and Charms, Potions and Transfigurations was fine. The others  I don't know for sure." She mumbled and Diana chuckled softly.

"And you?" Alice asked. "Honestly, I have no idea." Diana smiled sheepishly. Alice shook her head, laughing. "As always." She said.

"I can't help it, I never know if I did well or not, I just can't figure it out!" Diana complains.

The two off them talked for a while until the other three girls came back, Marlene with a bag of ice over her eye.

"New lesson learned, don't do eyeliner on train." She said and Diana laughed along with the he others when suddenly she had an idea.

"I know how to cheer you up, I'll be right back." She said and left. "Day? Day, if you are going to do what I think you're going to do, then don't!" Marlene shouted after her.

"Oh, she's going to embarrass me so badly." Marlene whines as she sits down. "What is she going to do them?" Lily asked.

Marlene just shook her head and looked out of the window, trying to hide her pink cheeks.

After five minutes, Diana came back, now accompanied by Dorcas. "Marlene, you idiot." She laughed a bit when she saw the girl with ice over her eye.

"I know, I'm sorry." She said and Dorcas stopped laughing. "Don't apologise!" She said. "Come, we're going to find the trolly lady and get you some pumpkin pastry's." Dorcas grabbed Marlene by the hand and the two laughed.

"Their so cute." Alice smiled brightly. "Honestly, Diana keep us updated on this, please." Mary said and Diana softly chuckled. "Will do." She said as she sat back down.

She went over to Pandora, Regulus, Barty and Evan later on for a moment but spent most of her time with the girls.

When the train arrived, Diana quickly made her way trough the halls. She walked past the Slytherin compartment and stuck her head trough it, "happy early birthday, Reg." and then jumped out of the train to greet her parents.

It was the 24th of June and the next day it would be Reg's birthday, she had decided to write to him, but only remembered she couldn't a few minutes ago.

"Mom!" She said the moment she spotted Euphemia Potter. "Diana, oh I'm so happy to see you." Her mother hugged her.

"Where is dad?" Diana asked looking around. "Oh, he's really busy with work, he'll come home later this evening." Effie said and Diana nodded.

"Mom!" James came running up and hugged her. Sirius also came walking up and after greeting James, Miss. Potter quickly hugged the boy.

"Yay, miss Potter!" Diana heard Marlene behind her running up. Euphemia laughed and took out a small package. "Here is your fudge, Marlene." She said and Diana gave her a look.

"Pause, what?" She said confused. "Oh, Marlene owled me, asking for some fudge when you arrived at the station." Her mother explained and Diana chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Damn, what happened to you, Marls?" Sirius asked as he looked at Marlene's eye that was still red and swollen. "She was stabbed with an eyeliner pen." Diana laughed and Sirius and James exchanged glances that said 'what the absolute fuck.'

"Sirius Black!" A voice barked and everyone tended up. "You come with us right now." Walburga marched up, pulling Regulus with her by his arm. Diana avoided looking at the boy, hoping to create the illusion that they weren't on speaking terms.

"You! I don't want to see you near him again!" Walburga pointed at Miss Potter and then pulled her two sons with her.

"Still a bitch." Marlene said with an annoyed look. "Come, we're going home." Euphemia said with a sad look in her eyes as she watched Sirius.

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