Part 28

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It's been a week since the date and Diana had avoided Smith at all costs. He had tried talking to her but she either ignored him or made a quick excuse.

"He's not leaving me alone and I really think the hint that I don't like him should have landed right now." Diana complained to Pandora and Dorcas as all six of them sat at the Slytherin table for dinner.

"I mean, looking at the heart eyes he's making at the moment, he's utterly in love." Pandora said with a bit disgust to her voice. "Well, more like obsessed, but whatever you want to call it, Dora." Dorcas said.

"He's creepy, why did you even agree to the date?" Barty asked. "He was so sweet at first. But then came the stupid talking over me and only wanting to talk about himself, not to mention the moment he kissed me in the common room, it was disgusting." Diana felt a chill over her spine even thinking about it.

"He kissed you?" Dorcas asked disgust laced in her voice. Next to her Regulus- who started talking to her again- muttered something.

"What?" Diana asked. "Nothing." He quickly said as he put his wand in his pocket.

Suddenly gasps and screams where heard from the Slytherin table and Smith now had a pig tail, pig ears and a dirty pig nose. Diana pursed her lips but the moment Evan burst out laughing, she joined him.

"Oh, Salazar, that's the best thing I have seen in weeks!" Evan said cackling. "No one talk to me, I want to store this image in my mind forever." Barty put up his hand and they all stayed silent, looking at him.

"Yes, got it." He grinned, making the others laugh again. "How did that even happen?" Diana asked.

They all shrugged, though, Pandora sent a knowing glance at Regulus who just winked at her.

Diana was still laughing as she looked at the black haired boy next to her who was brightly smiling. She felt those butterflies again, yet now she finally realised why she was feeling them.

She had a thing for Regulus Black.

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June had arrived and it was getting warmer outside. The six friends had taken the opportunity to go outside again.

They all sat by the tree they always sat at and there was a comfortable silence.

Pandora was learning Dorcas how to make flower crowns. Evan and Bart where gazing at the clouds as they laid next to each other, hands locked together and Diana sat agains the three, Regulus had his head in her lap as she played with his curly hair.

She even made some small braids that stayed in without elastics because of their size.

Diana suddenly heard a click and looked up to see Dorcas. She took a photo with her camera and a Polaroid came out. "Another for the collection." She chuckled.

Diana smiled and kept combing her fingers trough Regulus' hair.

"It's so cute how you two act like a couple." Pandora said and Diana smiled, thinking she was talking to Barty and Evan, though when she looked at Dora, she was talking to her and Regulus.

"You're talking to us?" Diana asked and Regulus now also looked up. "We don't act like a couple." He commented and the others shared some knowing looks.

"If you say so." Pandora said with a grin. "You're all mental." Diana chuckled and shook her head as Regulus laid back down.

"Have you figured out those flower crowns yet, Cas?" Barty asked and Dorcas then proudly showed of the crown of white flowers she made.

Together with Pandora, and later also Diana, they made six flower crowns so they all had one.

"It's fits amazing with the black hair, you two!" Diana told Dorcas and Regulus who looked absolutely stunning. Not that the others didn't.

Diana elbowed Dorcas and nodded at Barty who was dreamily staring at Evan. "You've got drool on your chin, Crouch." Diana commented and he glared at her.

"So funny." He said sarcastically.

The two started bickering and it eventually turned into a cat and mouse game where Diana ran from Barty who eventually caught up and threw her over his shoulder as he raised to the water.

Their laughter was heard trough the trees and the sound of happy birds made the moment one you could remember.

"Mind repeating that now?" Barty asked Diana as he held her over the water, ready to drop her. She was hysterically laughing and Dorcas immediately took a photo.

"Y-you're a simp... Crouch!" Diana said between laughs as her face turned red form both laughing and hanging over his shoulder.

He did as if he dropped her and she screamed as she got closer to the water. "I didn't quite hear that, mind repeating?" He asked, poking her waist, knowing she was ticklish.

"I said you're a simp!" Diana yelled, still laughing. He lowered her even more so her hair touched the water, she screamed again.

"Says you!" He grinned. "What do you mean?" She asked still chuckling. "Oh please, two words, Regulus Black." He whispered a bit.

"That's bull-crap." She quickly said. "Sure. Now repeat me and I might let you go." He grinned and she rolled her eyes, this made him lower her even more.

"Repeat after me, 'I fancy Regulus Black.'" He said. "Come on, say it." But she was still laughing. "Barty Crouch Junior is a simp." She said. He lowers her even more and all her hair was in the water making her scream.

"What was that?" He asked. "You. Are. A simp." She repeated.

He lowered her even more and she had to close her eyes as they where in the water.

"No! Barty my makeup!" She yelled. "Tell me!" He said "fine, fine!" She cried out. "I fancy Regulus black." She mumbled and he got her out of the water and put her down.

"How are you even so strong, jezus." She dried her hair with her hands and he laughed at her leaked out eyeliner and mascara. "If I'm honest, I almost fell multiple times." He admitted.

They walked back to the others who where all laughing at their antics. "Keep your boyfriend under control, Ev." Diana said

"Oh dear!" Dorcas immediately tried fixing her makeup. "I'm fine Cas!" Diana laughed. "Let's head back, it's getting dark and cold." Diana chuckled.

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