New Life, Different Person

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I wake up in a daze......

My body feels heavy. It's as if the pressure of the deep sea pressing every corner of my body, but I'm no longer in that bottomless sea. Speaking metaphorically and physically, I'm no longer cold and numb. Still, my nerves tingle and my muscles throb from this foreign sensation.

...... peaceful. My mind is at ease, and my body is relaxed now. The weight burdening me is it feels light and soft. Everything is new to me. My mind freely drifts into the darkness and this time.....I no longer loathe it. Perhaps it's by instinct that I'm certain it's not the negative emotions pulling me, but my consciousness merging within this space.

"Ugh......" I groan in pain

Rather than actual words, I let out a typical pained noise with a mix of my annoyance.

"Nngh......" I let out another noise

There's no one else in the infirmary room but me, so my voice echoes to me alone. I can't help but let out groaning and grunting sounds since I try to move my back only for the soreness to reverberate all over my body.


Since I can fully feel pain again, I pause for a moment and stare at the white ceiling. After only three seconds, I slowly lift my right arm and focus my eyes on the back of my hand. I don't have to be a genius to know that I've taken this body as my own. No need to struggle for control or worry about breaking this body.

"You're really gone now, huh......" I lower my hand

It's empty it feels quiet.......and lonely. Now, I'm both alone and lonely. Just not too long ago, I've been clawing for revenge so I can finally die, yet I'm the one who persisted. On my part, it's against my will and there's no other choice but to accept it.

"Damn you" I click my tongue

That idiot realized I truly wish to have a new life and not a life where I'm no different from a freezing corpse. The only way to fulfill it is to incarnate in a fresh vessel and restore my wisdom cube by absorbing the energy of another wisdom cube.

"To leave me the responsibility of babysitting a loud carrier in exchange for my wish while you left unfair"

My consciousness is still adjusting to this new body even if it's the younger version of me. There's no risk of breaking it since I have full control of my ability again and I'm not just a freeloading ghost anymore. I push both arms to lift my back off the bed first and sit on the side of the bed to contemplate my new reality.

"I want to be angry.....but I'm wallowing like an idiot"

As much as I try to vent out my pent up frustrations, but I'm slouching and sighing here feeling lonely and upset. It's not my character to sulk and wallow in depression, but I'm still human. Tirpitz acts cold and aloof to everyone, but she's too stubborn to admit she wants to bond and befriend even just one person. Victorious realized that in their first meeting and realized the Lone Queen of the North is a kind and gentle person.


That's when everything changed for her. Just like my story, Tirpitz mellowed down enough to trust the people who left her to rust and die a coward's death. Even before as a META, I had the same encounter too. Perhaps it's really fated for us to meet that way.

"I'm free now.....but it still feels lonely. More importantly, what am I supposed to do now.....?"

It's true I can do as I wish now since I reluctantly replaced someone and my revenge has been fulfilled. Without that goal itching at me for who knows how long, I feel lost more than ever. I never thought of what I should do after I achieved my revenge, so I'm sitting here talking to a plain wall.

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