Beauty got up, fixed her dress and walked to the center

She hugged Faye as she was proud of her

Faye handed her the mic

"Faye, my brave, considerate daughter, I am so proud to able to call you that"

"You have always been so strong and determined, you got that from me"

The audience laughed

"Truth be told, I always thought I couldn't raise you to become a independent, smart woman, but you have proved me wrong"

"I am so glad for that"

Beauty chuckled as she held back tears, so did Faye

"I love you and I am happy I will always be your mother"

"Thank you" Faye said

"Come here" Beauty hugged Faye

They broke the hug and Faye got back the mic

"Did you hear that, P'Team" Faye asked

"She loves me more" Faye said

"Now, now, I love you equally, but if I were to have favorites, it would be Loyal" Beauty smiled down to Loyal

Loyal giggled as he ran and Beauty carried him

"Really, mom" Faye asked

Team and Faye knew they will always lose to Loyal the moment he was born

Beauty went back to her seat

"Now, I know what you are thinking"

"They all have someone to dance with and yet the birthday girl is alone"

"Who was thinking that" Jay asked

Team looked around as a joke

"I don't know" Team said

"Shut up" Jazmane said

"I actually have someone that I want to introduce to the people who matters to me the most"

"He is someone that was my first friend in college"

"He has always been there every time that I was stress, sick or ready to give up"

"I am grateful for him and now I happy to say he is the love of my life"

Aya was sitting in back seat so that nobody would see him

But when he saw that Faye was getting emotional, it prompted him to rush to her side

"Who is that" Will asked

Team shrugged his shoulders

"Hey, don't cry" Aya said as he covered her face so nobody would see

She doesn't like crying in front of people

"You look so handsome" Faye said quietly

"You look amazing" Aya complimented her

Aya wiped her tears and Faye deeply sighed

"Are you okay" Aya asked

"Yes" Faye said

"Are you sure you want to do this" Aya asked

"Everybody have already seen you, I can't take it back now"

Aya stand beside her and held her hands

"This is my boyfriend, Aya"

"This event isn't only to celebrate my 21st birthday, but also to tell the world about my three year relationship with Aya"

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