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Dedicated to @Ringleader_625 for following me :p



And I found myself staring into a pair of dark grey eyes.

The eyes belonged to a small figure wearing a ragged dark brown shawl with the hood over their face. Before I could get a better look, they let go of my hand abruptly and turning away from me into the shadows.

"Were you trying to die?" They softly whispered, not looking at me.

"No," closing my eyes, I envisioned the water droplets on me rising into the air and into the pool of water. When I opened my eyes again, the figure was staring at me.

"So you're a Nereid then."

"Naiad." I corrected, walking over to the beds that I had just spotted in the corner. As I sat down, the mattress creaked under my weight. The figure, crept towards me slowly, barely making a noise.

"Ready to read der Buchstabe?"

"Der what?" Positive that I had misheard.

"I mean the letter." I could feel them roll their eyes, and I could have sworn that they had muttered under their breath 'idiot'. I sighed internally, I knew that Lillian would want me to make friends but they weren't making it easy.

"Sure then," walking closer the figure pulled a envelope out of a pocket in their shawl. It resembled a normal letter, with a crisp symbol in the wax; an octopus. It was eerie how real it looked, if it had jumped out at me I wouldn't have batted an eye.

Pulling out a letter opener, they pried the wax off of the letter smoothly, as if done hundreds of times before. Inside was a folded up paper, rolling it out, the figure moved closer to me so I could read it as well.

Dear Students,

I'm sure that you are all very confused, but don't worry most new monsters are. Now as you might already know, E.T.P. is coming back, making it near impossible for monsters of any kind to be safe. Knowing this I hope you will refrain from sneaking out or misbehaving.

If you are wondering why there are only a few of you in the briefcase, well the answer to that is that each man was sent to get one batch of room-mates. I hope you'll get to know one another, and become good friends.

You will be staying the night, so feel free to use the beds. Your stuff is already at the school so don't worry, and pajamas are under the pillows. They will fit your body and personality, these will be your school pajamas.

More will be explained when you arrive.

Anyway, when you get to school you will participate in 'the choosing'. The choosing is where monsters find out what they are. You will find out more when you get here.

Enjoy yourselves.


The Head Master

Blinking I looked away from the words, head swimming, trying to process what I had read. I sighed, this had to be one of the oddest things I'd ever read. 


Hello my wonderful readers!! ╰('꒳')╯

Hope you enjoyed this new chapter :)

Question of the day/night:

Do you think that the letter was the most condescending thing you've read?

Sorry for the sucky questions but I don't have any ideas (╯▅╰)

Bye!! :)

- Sheila

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