Chapter 2 : Past

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*Ding Dong!* *Ding Dong!*

The sound of doorbell woke Xiao Zhan up. He squinted his eyes open.


The sound of doorbell increased. It seemed as if the visitor was in a hurry.

Xiao Zhan frowned.
It must be Zhuo Cheng!
He always destroys my sleep!

Xiao Zhan got up from bed yawning.

"Coming! Coming!" He yelled.

He lazily descended through the stairs yawning. He had made up his mind that Zhuo Cheng should get a good scolding today for always destroying his sleep in the morning.

But as soon as he opened the door his yawn stopped at midway as he saw Wang Yibo standing in front of him with a ear to ear grin on his face. He was no more in his uniform, he was in a casual outfit looking exceedingly handsome. Both of his hands were occupied with two full bags of groceries. He seemed like an Angel from the Heaven.

Xiao Zhan was utterly surprised
"Yibo! You?"

Wang Yibo teased "Why? Didn't expect me?"

Xiao Zhan stammered "'s okay."

Wang Yibo pleaded "ZhanGe won't you let me in?"

Xiao Zhan was so shocked that he even had forgotten to invite him in the house and let him standing at door with two heavy bags.

Xiao Zhan was embarrassed "Oh yes bad...please come in, come in."

Wang Yibo entered with a triumphant look on his face carrying two full bags of groceries.

Xiao Zhan asked "Are these groceries alloted for me?"

Wang Yibo turned his face to Xiao Zhan, his eyes were soft with a lingering smile "Mn."

Xiao Zhan wondered "...but it's too much!"

Wang Yibo pulled out a bag from within and beamed into a bright grin and sparkly eyes
"Tada!! ZhanGe here is your breakfast! Your favourite sandwitch from your favourite shop---"

But then suddenly his voice dimmed down as he muttered the rest in a low voice, lowering his face down

"---but I don't know if you'll still like it or not."

He still cares about me this much!
I've wronged him so cruelly, yet after these whole 10 years he still cares for me!
Am I such important to him?

Xiao Zhan wanted to cry but he didn't want to cry in front of him. He suppressed his cry which was almost at his throat.

But his voice cracked "I still like it."

Wang Yibo beamed into a wide grin
"Really? You still like it? Then do you still take your fruit juice at breakfast?"

Xiao Zhan was smiling but his eyes started to get a tinge of redness
"Yes." He replied.

Wang Yibo leapt up "Very good! Then you go and wash up and I'll make your fruit juice. Nowadays I'm no more a novice, I can handle kitchen well. So rest assured. You won't mind if I use your kitchen, would you?"

Xiao Zhan shook his head smiling.

"Okay! Then I'm going. You go to wash up and come down fast. I'll be done within minutes. Go go go."

Wang Yibo left happily to the kitchen carrying those two grocery bags.

On the other hand Xiao Zhan entered the washroom and looked at the mirror.

Angel or Killer [YiZhan FF]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin