Chapter 12: A Princess' Rage

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Chloe POV

We watched as Adrien fell to the ground, muttering how he hates Mitchell and Glitch Spider while Princess Justice looked down at him with a look of mock pity.

"Well, would you look at that? The blonde seems to be spilling tears. It must hurt to feel whatever you must be feeling!" The Princess chuckled. She seemed to be in her moment of laughter that she didn't sense a certain spider sneaking up behind her.

"Gotcha!" He shouted and grabbed her.

She tried to use her sword, but she knocked it out of her hands, freeing us. Seeing the opportunity, I quickly grabbed the blindfold and pulled it from her.

"Get out, you nasty butterfly!" I shouted and ripped it in half.

My glee turned into shock as I saw no akuma. Glitch and I looked at each other and then at Princess Justice, who had a look of murder on her face as her icy blue eyes glared at us.

"Well shit." I said.

Princess Justice sent a sharp elbow to Glitch Spider's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. As he stepped back, Princess Justice fired a beam at him and sent him flying into a building, sending it crashing on top of him. I stepped back as Princess Justice advanced towards us.

"Take him!" I shouted and hid behind Viperion.

"Hey, what!?" He shouted.

She fired a beam at us, though Carapace blocked it with his shield. She was about to fire another beam at us until Glitch Spider kicked her from behind. His suit was torn and his jacket was gone. His stomach wound was covered by a bunch of webbing. 

"Why could you just not stay away! Leave me to do what I must do!" She growled, swinging her sword at him, though she seemed to be swinging aimlessly she was close to hurting him.

"I won't let the girl I love hurt anyone." He responded and dodged the blade.

She roared in fury and slashed her sword again at him. He managed to block it, but she threw a punch at his wound, causing him to double over. Princess Justice punched him in the jaw, knocking him onto the ground, and started furiously beating him as he tried to defend himself.

"It's just as well" she snarled. "You just happen to have something that I want. Your life!"

"So. The Akuma's not in her blindfold. We're fucked, aren't we?" Carapace said in dismay.

"I could use Second Chance and start again." Viperion asked.

"No. That won't work. It has to be somewhere." Ryuko replied.

As we watched helplessly as Glitch and Princess Justice brawled each other, I thought back to when Fu told me about the previous holder of the ladybug miraculous went rouge.


""So let me get this straight, one of the Ladybugs during the ancient era was influenced by darkness once?" I asked the old man.

"Yes. As it turned out, the darkness was in her heart. She struggled to contain it within her." He replied as he showed me the book.

"So, how will they be freed from the darkness?" I asked.

"That is complicated. You see, only the holder of the ladybug miraculous can be freed through true love's kiss." Master Fu replied.

Sounds like something from a fairy tale. I thought.

"However, her lover was killed during a war. When she received the news, she lost control and lashed out. She began a rampage that killed thousands of people. It got to the point where she had to be put down by her teammates." He continued.

"Put down? You mean by killing her?" I whimpered.

"Sadly, yes. The person she loved who also loved her back was dead. There was no saving her. They had no choice but to kill her because she had already killed 12 people during her outrage and injured 53." Fu replied sadly.

"And now, the same thing is happening to Marinette. Her friends stabbed her in the back because of Lila Rossi. And now, she's on a warpath of revenge. If we don't stop her, she'll turn Paris into a graveyard. But, I can't bring myself to kill her. I may have done some terrible things in the past, but I'm no murderer." I said.

"Is there someone who Marinette loves?" Fu asked.

"Well, Adrien's out of the picture. She saw Luka as a brother. Which leaves Mitchell Palmer. But, he disappeared before Princess Justice arrived." I responded.

"Please, you must find him before all is lost." Fu warned.

"I'll try." I replied and went to follow the others.


"The Akuma is in her heart." I said.

"What!?" The others asked.

"The Akuma is in her heart. That's where it is." I responded.

"But, how can we get it out of her without killing her?" Ryuko asked.

"I may have an idea." I said.

"We're all ears, Queen Bee." Viperion said.

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