Part 5 & Epilogue

Start from the beginning

"It's about intellect, but from a vulgar psychological point of view everything is still more clear. Salaries, authority, families, respect, grants. The meaningfulness of life is also always at stake for the scientists, like for those, the rulers. There is always so much temptation to suspect when everything is absolutely clear... No need to present scientists as fighters for the truth at all costs. It's like idealizing athletes or doctors or priests or any other profession. Do you think everyone was pleased that superconductivity turned out to be without a theory, for which theory, by the way, some had already received titles, and prizes, and wrote books, while others had been teaching it at universities for decades? How many people were excited about the new opportunities? Well, only those who did not have the old opportunities. The scientific world itself is quite capable of gobbling up any discovery, with maybe a little external help or just not objecting. And this is not just talk or theory... conspirological theory. It has a very real and everyday, I'd say meaty aspect. That which I called the traces of the war, quite discernable for those who can see the trenches of quite recent great battles in the grown over with various greenery terrain folds. One late now Russian academician, the biggest, in fact, in that field, who proposed a theory of superconductivity, that same theory which wasn't able to predict the advent of high-temperature superconductors, and who got yet a prize from the hands of Josef Stalin, gets half a century later the Nobel Prize in Physics for the same work, namely, as they nominated it, for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors. The message is clear enough? I remember his interview at the time, where he was insidiously asked isn't he too old to enjoy the Nobel Prize. He answered 'No, why, the timing is okay, it was good to remember this pleasant sensation of being awarded. It's just the sum isn't that big. I really can't buy with this money anything worthy that I haven't had already'. Do you understand that? I don't. He also wrote popular articles were he described how wonderful it would be to have nitrogen-cooled superconductors, but shortly after they were actually discovered changed tackle and started condemning 'the psychosis' about it and insisting that only room-temperature superconductivity would be really useful superconductivity. See the false target again? Not to do what is possible in the hope of impossible. How they say it..."

"To exchange the bird in the hand for two in the bush?" help him the editor.

"Yes. It's like 'We don't go to the Moon, we better go to Mars'. As a result nobody goes nowhere, which is exactly what the rulers want. To finish the picture, it is the same academician who founded the scientific inquisition in his country called the commission on pseudoscience, in which pseudoscience was surely included cold fusion. Not because it was officially impossible to confirm as well as to refute, but because its existence was against the canonic faith. And that's after the circumstances of the of high-temperature superconductivity discovery, heigh-ho!

"As for the non-boss scientists, those of them who were on topic since the beginning, some of them were allowed to continue theoretical research works and made content with it. All this is under close surveillance, sure, but still it is necessary, because the rulers want to know the future dangers and are not going to make another slip like in 1986. Those scientists got naturally old in that period, retired and by this day mostly died out. As for young ones, they are effectively barred from the problem since the university, by the simple means of not allotting the funds for such research and by exempting this subject from the curriculums. Just not approving, that's enough and quite noncommittal. It's a very centralized system, in fact. The hush-hush is facilitated by its not being a mass profession or speciality, without any chance to get massed at the background that there have grown up a generation of 40 year old bearded men who never heard of that world-wide sensation at all. You see, it is all very consistent and persistent and long-term planned, and consequently soft-power looking, but it is the same scorched earth policy that was applied with such force in the first years after the discovery. Burned out of site and out of mind. Actually, all natural sciences are considered dangerous by the rulers for their ruling power, that's the trend. And quite justly. For that reason in common people all sound interest in science is drowned in muddy waters of artificially created and sponsored idiotic theories and mysteries, in the endless videos of perpetuum mobile designers and perpetuum mobile debunkers, flat Earth believers, and whatnot. But for the scientific public it is much the same. If you are living inside the present time, the changes are incremental and hard to notice, but I have an archive of several scientific periodicals, and if you followed their mutations... Believe me, it is a deadly picture."

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