1. meeting a new enemy (p1)

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[warnings: bad grammar + horrible writing/grammer] (y/n) and Ivo are around 10 ish 


((y/n) pov)

This is how it starts isn't it, my life alone, in a place that I couldn't clear less about. It's always the same waking up in a shared room with snot nose kids who don't even pose a threat, I know because I've fought each and every one of them, all of them are weak, and pathetic I say, crying because a stranger doesn't even glance at them, sad because we have no 'real' home or any pernts to call our own, I don't though I couldn't care less. 

Sure I got sad going on 'field trips' to the parks with my fellow roomies and I saw children who feel safe and don't see every threat that was coming their way. Children who ran to their parents who would happily lift them up. And sure I don't have any friends but that's only because they are weak.

No one can outsmart me! I'm the best out of these weaklings! at least that was what I thought. But soon I'd see that maybe there was someone smarter than me, but I'm still better!! I could throw him like a frisbee if I wanted to, but he's too cool to do that too!   

(In some orphanage (IDK what name to give it) 

(3'rd pov)

Children run around gleefully in a house, throwing confetti and ribbons around the place, occasionally throwing some at each other, each had a smile on their face, two adults walk calmly with them making sure non of the children got hurt, they too were smiling but only slightly as they watched the children decorate the front room of the orphanage. 

Today was special because they would be getting a new kid, Earlier that week the orphanage was informed that a child was going to be transferred to its faculty due to some 'issues' the child was having. Too stressed by the new responsibility non of the caretakers dwelled on what those 'issues' were. 

Not many new kids moved into the orphanage so all the children were enthralled to have a new kid to play with, all buzzing with excitement for who this child would be like, would they like playing dress up? Maybe they liked dinosaurs? Were they afraid of bugs? so many questions, each answer being important to the children, oh how exciting.  

One of the two adults parted from the smiling children to do a quick room check, planning to finger out which room the new child would be placed in, whilst walking down the corridor he looked into each room, all having bright could walls, paintings and drawings done by the children who inhabited each room pined onto the walls, hanging above there single beds,

Each room had two children in it, and only four rooms were needed to house all seven children, soon to be eight, rooms, were checked routinely to make sure every room was presentable, in case people wanted to look in and meet their future children. 

His thoughts wandered a louder bump decode down the corridor starting the poor man, within a second his head flicked to face the notice, 'that was strange' he thought, what could have made that noise, wanting to investigate he calmly ventured towards the end of the hall

He turned to the last door on the right, the room to which the nice sounded like it originated from, calmly he went to open the door but a loud crash was heard from the room, once again startling the poor man, retracting his hand from the doorknob the man looks started at the door, what on earth made the noise, swelling any fear that dwelled in his mind he quickly grabbed the door known and opened the door.  

Peering into the room the man scand the area, this room, unlike the others, was messy and stuffing from pillows and stuffed toys listed the floor, books and pencils scattered and dropped haphazardly on the floor, a broken bowl laid near a table in the far corner of the room, it had probably fallen and broke he realised

Things breaking in this room were not uncommon as its residence was over that carefully with them, the child was a menace, anyone who worked at the orphanage would agree, they had little respect and were aggressive to not only the other children but the adults too, speaking of which the child was nowhere to be seen, coming to think of it the man didn't see the child anywhere this morning, not uncommon but concerning non the less

Cearfelly stepping in the man went to grab the broken bowl until a shuffling was heard beside him, having no time to react the man was jumped on by a tiny child, the child with chaotically scruffed (h/c) heir clung to the man, screaming a victory scream, the man completely started threshed to get the child of him, he himself slightly screaming, "bow to me!!" the child screamed (e/c) eyes burning with fury, 'how dare this imbecile walk into my room!' they thought.  

The yelling had grabbed the attention of another worker in the orphanage who rushed to the commotion, instantly knowing what had happened when she realised what room the noise was coming from, ready to grab a feral child she rushed into the room, tiny footsteps followed her, stopping at the doorway, watching as this went down, this was a regular occurrence, anyone who was dumb enough to enter the room usually ended up on the floor due to the child, to the other children this was funny, giggles could be heard from the doorway as they witnessed two adults wrestle the tiny child from the back on one of the workers, the giggles only encourage the feel child as they sour the giggles as praise, and of course, they'd praise them, they where awesome!!  

After a bit of wrangling the woman managed to peel the child from the man, "(y/n)! What have I told you about talking people?!" the woman angrily shouted, but not loud enough to startle the other children, 

"We are on a tight schedule! the new residence will be arriving soon!!" glaring down at the small child, the child of which glared back "he was in my room! It's not my fault he's so weak!!" (y/n) yelled back—the woman who looked done with the feral child's bullshit. 

The children at the doors slowly left disappointed that the commotion had calmed down, (y/n) was crouched to the ground staring at the floor as the women went to console the men who had just been attacked. 

Looking back at the child the woman calmly spoke "ok...so (y/n) We have to tell you that the new kid is going to be sharing with you" The woman could practically hear a record scratch as the child's eyes widened in what could only be described as fear "WHAT?!?!".  

Outside the orphanage a car drove up the driveway, coming to a stop in front of the garage, the excited faces of the children who lived there smooshed agest the glass windows in the front room, all excited to catch a look at the new kid, a man opened his car door, stepping out of the car he walked to the passenger door and open it, a child steps out, his hair coal black and his face with only one emotion disgust.    


[this is the end of chapter one!! is it bad, yes. Is it short, yes. do I care, not really. anywho, the next chapter will probably have more ivo and (y/n) pov's so stay tuned to see that happen]

if there are any spelling mistakes please tell me!! 

good night, good morning, good afternoon and good day you poor souls who read this  

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