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Stranded in the empty desert I walk alone,
Waiting for someone to adopt the path by my side.
This desert has a familiar feeling...but I cannot say it is pleasant.

I turn in circles to look for shelter.
Not a building per say,
Just somewhere to be safe;
Maybe even somewhere to call home.

I listen for noise;
A voice, the wind, tires on a road.
All that I hear are the echoes of my silence.
I begin to feel as though I am in a void;
Nothing but white noise

As I wish for someone to join me,
Pray for someone to stand by my side.
But alas I stand alone
And home is out of reach;

I cannot feel his tender touch
I cannot sense his reassuring presence
I cannot her his soft voice
I cannot see his soothing eyes

Because of the greater powers,
They have evicted me from my home.

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