Slendy's Little Secret

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    Just chillin in the Slender mansion.

Ragdoll:has anyone see Dad today..

Jeff:if you mention it i haven't see Slender all day

BEN:he didn't even make us breakfast


Masky:i know he's doing something important

Hoodie:if he's doing something important he should at least tell us,his Proxy

Toby:*munching waffles and pancakes*hm..


L.J:i know,let's go to his room!!


Ragdoll:aww..c'mon i know your curious too

Masky:ugh..fine,bit if he's angry i blame you guys

Ragdoll:it's gonna be fine i'm his daughter right.

Ragdoll:*whisper to BEN*BEN,can i bought your video camera?


Ragdoll:*evil smirk*hehehehe...

Everyone exept Ragdoll:*weird look at Ragdoll*uhm...


    They all goes to Slendy's room and hear he's mumbling something.Luckily he doesn't shut his door roght,so we can peep ttrough the creaks(i dont know how to spell that:p)

Ragdoll:*whisper*BEN,video on

BEN:*turn on the video and record*

Eveyone:*hears Slendy singing something*

Slender:i threw a girl in a well
                 You'll ask but i'll never tell
                 I looked at you when you fell
                 And now i'm in your way
                 You trade your soul just to live
                  20 dollars i wont kill
                  You werent looking for this
                  But now i'm in your way
                  Your stare was pleaden
                  Ripped arms blood was showing            
                  Cold night it was freezing
                  Where you think your going human?
                  Hey i just meet you
                  And this is crazy 
                  But i have no face
                  So panic maybe

Ragdoll:lol is the 'call me maybe' parody*look at BEN*hurry,go and post it without Dad knowing

BEN:*thumbs up*

Ragdoll:*motion everyone to go*

Slender:*feel the presence outside his door and open it*

Ragdoll:uh..hey dad

Everyone else:*runs to their own room*

Slender:care to explain young lady?

Ragdoll:um..yeah i guess*took her phone out and search up youtube*here*show Slender her phone*

Slender:*sees himself singing*

Ragdoll:*runs for her life*byeeee~

Slender:*standing there like a statue*

Random Stuff At Creepypasta MansionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant