01. new beginnings

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new beginnings

JJ sat in the driver's seat of his old car, staring out at the road ahead of him. The scenery was changing quickly as he drove further south, leaving behind the city and all of the memories that came with it. He had always dreamed of escaping to a place like this - a small coastal town with warm weather and an easy way of life. But now that he was finally here, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was running away from something.

As he drove, he couldn't help but think about all of the mistakes he had made in his life. The people he had hurt, the things he had done. He knew that he couldn't change the past, but that didn't stop him from wishing he could. He just hoped that the people in this new town wouldn't judge him for who he used to be.

JJ took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind. He turned up the radio, hoping that the music would help him relax. But as the miles passed by, he found himself getting more and more anxious. What if he couldn't make a new life for himself here? What if his past caught up with him?

He shook his head and tried to push those thoughts aside. He had to stay positive. First he had to look for jobs around. JJ wasn't picky because it would have to pay the bills and give him a chance to start over. He just had to keep his head down and work hard.

JJ pulled into a gas station and filled up his tank. As he stood there, pumping gas, he noticed a group of guys watching him from across the street. They were rough-looking, with tattoos and piercings. JJ couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

He got back in his car and drove away, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed. He looked in his rearview mirror and saw the same group of guys in a beat-up truck, following him down the road. They reminded him of the guys he used to work for.

JJ's heart raced as he tried to figure out what to do. He couldn't outrun them in his old car, and he didn't have any weapons to defend himself. He had to think fast.

He turned down a side street and pulled into a deserted parking lot. The truck pulled in behind him, blocking him in. JJ's hands shook as he turned off the engine and waited for the men to approach.

But they didn't. Instead, they just sat in the truck, watching him. JJ felt like he was in some kind of standoff, but he didn't know what he was supposed to do next.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the men started the truck and drove away. JJ let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in his seat. He had no idea who those guys were or why they were following him, but he knew one thing for sure: he couldn't let his guard down in this new town. He had to be careful.

With a heavy heart, JJ started up his car and continued on his journey. The sun was setting now, casting a warm glow over the landscape. JJ couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as he drove into the Outer Banks. He had never seen anything like this before - the wide open sky, the endless ocean, the quiet streets.

JJ arrived in the Outer Banks as the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the sleepy beach town. He parked his car near the beach and stepped out, taking a deep breath of the salty sea air. It felt good to be away from the city and his troubled past. He had always dreamed of living by the ocean, and now he was finally here.

As he walked along the beach, JJ couldn't help but think about his past mistakes. He had been involved in some shady deals with the wrong people, and it had nearly cost him his life. JJ knew he had to leave the city behind and start fresh. He didn't want his past to follow him to the Outer Banks. JJ wandered along the shoreline, lost in thought, until he came across a group of people gathered around a bonfire. They looked like locals, and JJ felt a pang of jealousy. He wished he could be part of a community like this, but he knew he had to earn his place.

As he continued walking, JJ spotted several places with signs advertising job openings. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to make some money and meet new people. JJ made a mental note to check it out the next day.

He returned to his car and drove to the motel where he had booked a room for the week. JJ checked in and went to his room, which was small but cozy. He unpacked his few belongings and sat on the bed, staring at the wall.

"New life, new me," he muttered to himself, trying to shake off the memories of his past.

JJ decided to take a walk around town to clear his head. As he wandered through the streets, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He looked around, but he couldn't see anyone.

Suddenly, JJ heard a rustling in the bushes. He tensed up, ready to defend himself. But it was just a cat, scampering away.

"Get it together, JJ," he scolded himself. "You're not in the city anymore."

As JJ walked, he saw a woman walking towards him. She had long, curly hair and was wearing a sundress. She smiled at JJ as they passed each other. JJ couldn't help but feel drawn to her, but he shook his head and kept walking. He didn't want to get involved with anyone, especially not now.

As JJ turned the corner, he saw a group of men hanging out on the street corner. They looked like they were up to no good, and JJ could feel his heart racing. But then he remembered his promise to himself: no more trouble. JJ kept his head down and walked past them, ignoring their jeers.

When he got back to his motel room, JJ collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. He closed his eyes and tried to relax, but his mind was racing.

"I can't keep running forever," JJ thought to himself. "But for now, I have to focus on starting a new life in the Outer Banks."


Hi guys! Hope you liked the first chapter of The Perfect Catch! Definitely still trying to figure out a few things but not to worry :) Thanks for reading!

sincerely han <3

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