RememberI will always be your BFF.

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I was born on the 29th January 1965 in Melbourne ,Australia.Mom and dad cried with tears of joy of my arrival in the hospital.Mom and dad bought a new house in West Lake and there's how we start our happy life.( do you think so???).Three years later ,I begin to walk and talk and even jump of course with the help of them but I knew it was Mia.Mom and dad were always out for work so Aunt Clara,the babysitter,was with me the whole time.Of course she wasn't always 24/7 with me...she made herself at home.When I'm sleeping ,she will watch tv or do something else to occupy her.When she's not around,Mia will appear out of nowhere and help me along the way.She's my friend.Practically I'm stupid enough to believe her that she is a human like everyone else but more to opaque blur kind of human.I was afraid at first cause I'm as if like I'm talking to a wall but she's invincible to everybody except me.She asked me to be her best friend and a bright smile printed on my face is what I got when I talk to a imaginary friend.
Once I introduced Mia to mom and she just simply said"Oh Morgan ,you have such an imaginary mind .At first I thought she was believing me cause I was holding my green rabbit doll while introducing Mia and I felt a little uneasy as she was laughing at my "joke" so I don't really care about that and focused on Mia and I.I would tell her EVERYTHING.PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING.My mom thinks that I'm crazy and a Nut Case girl but that's how it was...she doesn't want to know about Mia and that's her loss--that's what I used to say when she don't believe me
Mia talks to me.Literally talks but she whisper when she's surrounded by people.I'm not sure she's a human phobia or whatever case but I'm more closer to Mia than families.We do fight but she always ended up the conversation with "I forgive you and remember you will always be my best friend" ---even though sometimes it's her fault.STRANGE.
Mia is like my sister.Always there for me.She said she's 3 years elder than me.Whenever I could not balance myself and fall as a toddler,the first person who looked at me and tell me " don't give up...get up" is Mom not Mia .Mom will just peak at me to see if I'm alright.She didn't help me .Mia did.So mom was like "Yes Morgan!!!!!You did it.But it was actually Mia.Mia was special to me.She had those special powers that could make her fly,move things with her mind and disguising...(well you name it).So that's the time I'll used her to help me with my chores when mom's not around.
When I turned 5 ,I introduced Mia to my neighbours,The Taffles.I expected a happy face but no.A dark side appeared on her face."NO" "Play with me"she cried.
"But I want the Taffs to know you"i begged.
"I..I can't seen. I told you that." I'm invisible..I'm ...never mind .Unless...disguising !!!"
"Yes"i said but confused.
"Let's try disguising in our room"she pulled my hands towards the door.
I smiled and hurriedly along.
" won't last long though."she said.
"I'm still young and I can't use all my energy.Well as I grow older and stronger only it'll last longer.."
I waited and sat on the bed as she turned into a blond haired girl-aged 8 and dimples on her cheeks.
"Holy Moly !!!you look....AMAZING!!!"I screamed.
"C'mon..but as I told you won't last long"she warned me.
"Yeah yeah yeah..Roger that"i pushed her towards the door after I realised she wasn't moving." put on weight?"
She laughed.

Just next door,I rang the doorbell."Oh Mrs Taffles,are you home?"i asked politely.
Few seconds later,I heard someone unlocking the door lock and there was Mrs Taffles with her big smile saying"well well well...what do we have here.You must be Morgan Rowells ..our neighbour yes.."
"Yes ..and here we have best buddy"i said with a big smile."Can we come in ?"
"Oh yes" She welcomed us.
We gazed the ceiling above and their vintage furnitures with our eyes widen and mouth unclosed.
"Mrs Taffles ...your house is HUGE!!"i jumped.Mia just looked and smile.
She smiled "oh yes .. Lisa ...Lisa??You have visitors"she called her.
We waited for Lisa to descend the stairs."Morgan..Oh Morgan is that you?"she asked.
"Yup"I giggled."And I also brought...brought a new friend!!!"I looked at Mia and gave her a weird smile.
"Ooou visitors...nah it'll be great".
Then,as we get to know each other better,two more boys descend the stairs and I knew they were
Lisa's brothers."You don't say we have people coming around?"said Roy,the eldest.
"Are they going to play with us tonight?"said the other one,Michael,the youngest wearing a pyjamas ;holding a teddy bear.
"Nnnooo..they are going to play with ME!!"she exclaimed. "Ok.."she said pulling Morgan away from Mia.
"Umm..Morgan??i don't think that's a good know we..stay longer..WELL.. Whose gonna play with me?"Mia said as if she's left alone.
"Come with us then"Lisa told her.i can show you my newest stuff animals and my new toys if you--
"NO!!..I mean no.. but I think that Morgan and I know...gotta CHORES TO DO!!right Morgan???"Mia says dissatisfiedly;pulling me away.
"But..but we just came here and Lisa wants to show me stuff animals?"I begged.
Then,Mia pulled my arm "My powers are gone.. I'm changing.."she said.I can't be seen anymore and they will think I'm like a..PHSYCO GH--"
"Whaaatt..."I narrowed my eyes.Then I turned back into the situation. "30...m..minutes...?"
"Fine but copy that??"
"YES"oh..thank you thank you.."then you head home..I'll be back before you know it..ok"
She didn't answer me and I knew she was angry with me."umm Lisa..Mia darling wants to run some errands so I think she'll be leaving now yes??"i looked at her disappointed face.
Just before Mia was about to leave,Roy pushed all of us aside and faced Mia "but ..but I just met you and I want to know you better..well if you don't want to play with could--
"No ..I want to run some errands bye.."Mia said moodily.
"Ok bye"Roy said.
She left the house without saying goodbye to any of us."What is wrong with her"I thought.
The door shut loudly behind us and they don't really seemed to care.
"She smells like apple berry"Roy sighed.
That made Michael eyes widen and burst out laughing and chanted"someone is in lo ove" out loud.

My Imaginary FriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang