1: Universal Delay

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   "Princess Crystal! We are going to be late for our daily stroll!" one of the maids shouted as they grabbed my hand. I was mute, so I couldn't respond. When I was born, I couldn't speak or interact with humans that well. I didn't mind that often. I just wished I could have the courage to make friends.

   I scurried across the snow in my pretty blue gown. People greeted me as I curtsied to everyone I saw. There seemed to be nothing but love and cheer until my father, King Frost, marched into the snowy gardens. Everyone bowed and curtsied as he pulled put a long piece of paper. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news to share," King Frost grumbled loudly as he read the paper, "Due to human air pollution, Winter is spiraling out of control. It will last for about two more months,"

   Everyone gasped as they raged in anger. "Two more months!? We have to conjure snow for two more months?!" a few people shouted. It was true. People of the Winter Colony had to work very hard to conjure snow and dim the skies. It was a huge disappointment to me, since I have waited for so long to see the Spring flowers this year. Now I had to wait for two more months!? At least I didn't have to conjure snow, since I was royalty and had high status.

   "My lady, I think we should go inside now," one of the maids told me as they grabbed my arm. I pulled away, upset. They tried to catch me as I ran into the cold, frosty woods.

   When I knew no one was around, I slumped against a tree and cried. Why did they have to delay spring? Spring was one of the most wonderful times of the year! Just as I was about to shed one more tear, I felt a hand grab my mouth as I tried to move. I shook in fear, since it was the only thing I could do. I was helpless. "Shush. Stay still miss," a strong british accent spoke as their grasp pulled tighter. Despite the weather, their hands were full of warmth and life. In fact, I was pretty sure they were not from here. Everyone from the Winter colony had cold and frigid tones in their voice, and their blood made their whole body freezing.

   Even though I didn't trust this outsider, I stayed silent and made sure I didn't get on their bad side. I wasn't sure if they had a weapon or not. The figure pulled a mask around my mouth as I struggled to move. The figure pulled me onto their horse, and I held on tightly to them so I didn't fall. Right the second I put my arms around their waist, they got a rope and tied my hands so I couldn't escape. That was fine with me. It's not like I would escape anyway, crazy weird outsider Idiot.

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