Chapter 5-Thoroughly Schooled

Start from the beginning

Making your way back into your tent to fetch breakfast, you spotted your Pokémon stretching its limbs as it shook itself awake.

"Morning." You greeted as you began shuffling your way through your bags. "Anything in particular you want?"

"Ta." The Pokémon shrugged, before it began floating outside. Grabbing a bag of Pokéchow, you followed it.

Meloetta seemed transfixed by the sunrise, which was admittedly quite pretty. "Cool, right?"


You frowned as you turned your gaze upward. "But...I think that's also a bad sign."


"Isn't there some old saying? sky in morning, take warning, or something?"

Your Pokémon curiously tilted its head as you began preparing breakfast. "I think it's some old sailors saying," You elaborated. "Means you'll get bad weather that day."

Meloetta frowned, seemingly deep in thought. "Lo-Ta!"

You grinned as you patted it on the head. "Ha, you're right! We've fought through worse. Honestly...what's a little rain?"

With that, you dug into breakfast. Granola was getting old fast though, you'd have to look into diversifying your meal options.


As it turns out, 'a little rain' was not quite an apt description of what you were experiencing now.

The trek had been uneventful up until midday, where trickles of water began to fall from the sky. It was actually quite peaceful, but of course that didn't last long.

Trickles became a steady shower, and then...

Groudon must have insulted Kyogre's mother or something, because it felt like the legendary Pokémon had risen up from the depths of the ocean with something serious to prove.

Water came down from the heavens in a nonstop downpour, drenching you as you ran through the wilderness. Booming thunder shook the very earth you sprinted across, lighting up the darkened sky in a tremendous burst of light.

Where was Rayquaza when you needed it?

To add insult to injury, it was just barely too warm for it to freeze. That meant you were getting pelted with a nasty slush that turned the dirt paths into treacherous mud pits. Time and time again, you nearly tumbled down hillsides as you tried to escape the downpour.

You had stored the egg into your bag as soon as the weather had intensified. You didn't want to end up accidentally dropping it or something.

"Me-Lo-Ta!" Your Pokémon had stopped, gesturing for you to come near it.

"Meloetta! What's wrong!" You shouted over the rain as you made your way over. 

The Pokémon's eyes began to glow, and a dome of purple light manifested around the both of you. "That...wish I had thought of that ten minutes earlier."

You reached into your bag to pull out a towel, removing some of the excess water from your face. "Good think you can hold that until we find shelter?"

The Pokémon nodded as it nestled into your shoulder. You then continued your trek forward, your damp clothes weighing down on you and sticking to your body. The sound of rainfall echoed throughout the psychic shield.

Though the barrier provided good protection, the streams of water running down it made it difficult to see. Thus, you were forced to move at a Sliggoo's pace.

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